prace domowe

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clean the floors
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czyścić podłogi
clean the windows
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myć okna
decorate a flat
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urządzić mieszkanie
do repairs
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naprawić, reperować
do the cleaning
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do the dusting
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ścierać kurze
do the housework
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robić prace domowe (np. sprzątanie)
do the ironing
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do the shopping
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robić zakupy
do the washing up
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zmywać pranie
do the washing
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robić pranie
do the laundry
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robić pranie 2
furnish a flat
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umeblować mieszkanie
hoover the floors
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odkurzać podłogi
interior decorator
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dekorator wnętrz
lay the table
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nakrywać do stołu
make the bed
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scielić łóżko
paint the walls
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malować ściany
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odnawiać, remontować
take out the rubbish
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wyrzucać śmieci
throw away the rubbish
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wyrzucać śmieci 2
tidy up
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tidy your room
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sprzątać swój pokój
vacuum the carpets
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odkurzać dywany

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