prace budowlane

 0    21 fiche    agnieszkaskibinska81
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question réponse
Jak powinna wyglądać rozbudowa domu, według Pana
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What should a house extension look like, according to you?
poszerzać budynek o 5 m
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expand the building by 5 m
wysokosc budynku wynosi
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the height of the building is
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jakie nowe pomieszczenia będa w nowej części
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what new rooms will be in the new part
kuchnia otwarta na salon
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kitchen open to the living room
złożyć wniosek
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submit an application
nie pasuje tu
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doesn't fit here
Budynek poszerzamy o
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We are expanding the building by
Wysokość budynku powinna być taka sama jak część istniejąca
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The height of the building should be the same as the existing part
Przygotuję koncepcję budynku po rozbudowie.
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I will prepare a concept for the building after expansion.
rozbiórka ścian
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removal of walls
czy tak powinno być?
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should it be like that?
beton komórkowy
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aerated concrete
Papa asfaltowa
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Asphalt felt
ściany z płyty gipsowo-kartanowej
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walls made of plasterboard
ściany z pustaków
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walls made of hollow bricks
głębokość posadowienia budynku 80 cm poniżej poziomu terenu
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building foundation depth 80 cm below ground level
rynny i rury spustowe do zmiany
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gutters and downpipes need to be changed
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pompa ciepła
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the heat pump

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