
 0    34 fiche    sandrafranke
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obok niej leżą książki
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there are books next to her
to nie moja wina
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it is not my fault
poczekaj spokojnie na autobus
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wait calmly for a bus
powiedzieć komuś, co ma robić
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tell someone what to do
nie mów mi co mam robić
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don't tell me what to do
mówić publicznie
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speak on public
pocić się
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to sweat
podczas smutnych filmów
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during sad films
dotrzymać słowa
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keep my word
rozśmieszyć kogoś
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make somebody laugh
opowiadać żarty
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tell jokes
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tak dobry jak
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as good as
bilety do Grecji są tak samo drogie jak bilety do Włoch
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tickets to greece are as expensive as tickets to italy
pytać o pozwolenie
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asking for permission
zachowywać się
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to behave
nieść pudełko
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carry the box
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of course
zmywać po obiedzie
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wash up after dinner
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take off
szanować, podziwiać kogoś
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look up to
kolejny kawałek ciasta
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another piece of cake
Kosić trawę
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cut the grass
na przeciwko
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in front off
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wyślij mi ten list
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post this letter for me
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an oven
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a crossword
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grypa żołądkowa
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stomach flu
deska przekąsek
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snack board
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to vomit
pranie jest mokre
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the laundry is wet
potrawy na stole
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dishes on the table

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