Piotrek 11th Feb (50 min)

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Wczoraj po południu miałem spotkanie z moją księgową.
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Yesterday afternoon I had an appointment with my accountant.
Mam wizyte u dentysty o 3.
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I've got a dental appointment at 3 o'clock.
wizyta u dentysty
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an appointment with a dentist / a dental appointment
lekarz rodzinny
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Rzucilem okiem na tamta ksiazke.
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I had/took a glance AT that book.
rzucic okiem na cos
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to have a glance AT sth / to take a glance AT sth
Nie mam cierpliwosci.
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I have no patience
na szczescie
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luckily / fortunately
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jest jak jest
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it is what it is
Igrzyska Olimpijskie
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the Olympics / the Olympic Games
the Summer/Winter Olympics
Igrzyska odbywaja sie co cztery lata.
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The Olympics are held every four years.
rozpadać się
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rozpadać się Anglais
fall apart
Almost all projects of this kind fall apart within a decade

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