Physics exam

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question język polski réponse język polski
positive motion direction
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positive motion direction le polonais
przeciwnie do zegara
a tan
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r × alfa
a rad (2 sposoby)
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omega^2 ×r =v^2/r
angular acceleration average
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α= (ω2-ω1)/t2-t1
ω if ang. acc. is constant
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ω= ω0 +αt
qngle if ang acc is constant
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θ= θ0+ω0t+αt^2/2
condition of rolling
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Moment of inertia
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I=x(m1r1^2 +m2r2^2+...)
the bigger moment of inertia
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the more energy needed, the harder to start rotation
kinetic energy in rotation
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E= 1/2 Iω^2
work in rotation
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W=FΔx or ΔEk
Potential energy in sprężyna
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1/2 kx^2
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p = mv
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I=I0 + md^2 (d-odleglosc od osi obrotu)
Torque 2 methods
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T= r x F (cross product, rFsinθ) OR T=αI (α -angular acc)
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pressure on the depth
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p=p0 + ρgh (p0-cisnienie atmosferyczne 10^5Pa)
weight of object in water
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w=ρ object V zanurzone g
BUOYANCY weight of displaced fluid =sila wyporu
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B=ρ fluid V displaced g = mg jesli sytuacja jest stanilna
fluid movement mass conservation
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Bernoulli's equation - comparing points in the same flowtub
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p + ρgh + 1/2ρv^2 =const.
Δ thermal expansion
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ΔL=αL0Δt (α - thermql expansion cooficiant)
lenght after thermal expansion
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L=L0 + αL0ΔT
volumetric expansion
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change temperature by Q
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Q= cmΔT
molar heat capacity
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phase change Q
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conduction heat
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Q= kAΔT (A-powierzchnia styku
thermal resistance
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R=L/(Ak) (L-lenght, A - area of section)
heat radiation
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H=σeAT4 (A -surface area, σ-stała Stefana Boltzmana, e - material propety)
H net heat radiation
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H net =σeAT4 enviroment - σeAT4 object
Young's modulus
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y= F lo / AΔl (lo- poczatkowa dlugosc rozciaganego ciala)
Bulk stress
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B= -Δpvo/Δv (p pressure v objetosc)
Shear stress
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prędkość katowa - oscillation
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Hooke's law (restoring force)
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oscillation: x(t)
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x(t)= A cos (ωt + θ)
oscillation: v(t)
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oscillation: a(t) 2 methods
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a(t)= (-k/m) x(t) OR a(t)=-ω^2 A cos(ωt+θ)
Predkosc katowa ω w oscylacji
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ω= sqrt (k/m)
for small θ k dla wahadla
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k= mg/L
for small θ T
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T= 2π sqrt(L/g)
wave velocity
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wave function
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y(x,t)= A cos(kx - ωt)
wave number
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k= 2π/λ
wave ω
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ω = vk
wave v(t)
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v(t)= ωA sin (kx-ωt)
wave a(t)
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a(t)= -ω^2 A cos(kx- ωt)
wave speed
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v= sqrt restoring force/inertia resisting the force
max wave power
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P max = sqrt(μF) ω^2A^2
Intensity of wave
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I = P/A (if 3D wave, the area= 4πr^2)
intensity to r of 2 waves
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I1/I2= r2^2 /r1^2
string fixed with 2 ends λ
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λ= 2L/n
normal mode frequency
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f= nv/2L
fundamental frequency
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speed of sound wave in fluid
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v=sqrt (B/ρ) B-Bulk modulus
speed of sound wave in q rod
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v= sqrt(Y/ρ) Y-Yungs modulus
speed of sound in ideal gas
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v= sqrt (γRT/M) M-molar mass
sound power max
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P= 1/2 sqrt(μF)ω^2A^2 (in fluid μ>ρ, F>B)
sound intensity
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open pipe f
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f= nv/2L
open pipe lenght
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stopped pipe f
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f=nv/4L but n is nieparzyste
stopped pipe lenght
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L=nλ/4 but n nieparzyste
beat frequency
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f= |f1-f2|
voltage 2 methods
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V=U/q (U - potential energy) OR V=EL (E-electric field, L-lenght of wire)
current 2 methods
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I=Q/Δt OR I=nAqv (n-number of charges per unit of volume, A-area of section, v- drift velocity) OR
Ohm's law
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electric field
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E= F/q
current density
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ρ=R/J (E-electric field, J-current density)
Resistence (not from Ohms law)
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R=ρL/A (ρ-Resistivity, L-lenght of wire, A-area of section)
electromotive force
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ε=IR (often happens that I(R+r))
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równolegle, R>nieskończoność
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szeregowo, R>0
internal energy of resistor
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U=NqΔV (V-voltage, N-number of charges)
power of resistor 2 methods
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P= U internal /Δt = ΔV^2/R
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forth kinematic formula
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v^2=v0^2​+2aΔx (Δx-przemieszczenie)

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