Paulina Controversial Francis Bacon

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question réponse
mieszkanie Lindy
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Linda's flat
zobaczmy (konkretne) miasto
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let's see the city
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let's dance
zjedzmy obiad
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let's have dinner
zjedzmy coś
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let's eat something
zjedzmy śniadanie
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let's have breakfast
napiszmy coś
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let's write something
namulujmy jakiś dom
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let's paint a house
namalujmy domy
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let's paint houses
namalujmy (jakieś, trochę) domy
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let's paint some houses
według mnie
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in my opinion
zainteresowany sztuką
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interested in art
interesująca książka
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interesting book
sweter Pauliny
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Paulina's sweater
torba Piotra
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Piotr's bag
szokująca opowieść
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shocking story
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dość dobra
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quite good
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commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
zgadzam się
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I agree
nie zgadzam się
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I don't agree
on zgadza się
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he agrees
on nie zgadza się
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he doesn't agree
my zgadzam się
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we agree
my nie zgadzamy się
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we don't agree
mylisz się (___ ___ ___ 3 wyrazy)
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you are wrong
masz rację (___ ___ ___ 3 wyrazy)
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you are right
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