Patrycja 25th Sept

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Czy mogę dzisiaj zamienić się z Elwaną?
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Can I please swap with Elwana today?
z moją rodziną
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with my family
Mieszka ze swoim tatą.
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She liveS with her dad.
Codziennie chodzę do szkoły.
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Every day I go to school.
Codziennie moja mama chodzi do pracy.
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Every day my mum goES to work.
Czy Twoja mama pracuje codziennie?
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Does your mum work every day?
Moja siostra codziennie ogląda telewizję ES.
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My sister watchES tv every day.
Nie mówię po niemiecku.
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I don't speak German.
Ona nie mówi po polsku.
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She doesn't speak Polish.
Nie oglądamy telewizji codziennie.
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We don't watch tv every day.
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Ja czytam teraz.
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I am readING now.
Ty oglądasz telewizję teraz.
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You are watchING tv.
On teraz śpi.
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He is sleepING now.
Ona gra teraz w gry komputerowe.
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She is playing computer games now.
Ona gra teraz w gry komputerowe.
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She is playing computer games now.
Jemy teraz śniadanie.
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We are eating breakfast now.
Pijesz teraz kawę.
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You are drinking coffee now.
Oni idą teraz do pracy.
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They are going to work now.
Jestem Patrycja.
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I am Patrycja.
Jesteś Ula.
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You are Ula.
Ona jest Elwana.
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She is Elwana.
To jest piękne.
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It is beautiful.
Pijesz teraz herbatę.
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You are drinking tea now.
Ona teraz gotuje.
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She is cooking now.
Siedzimy teraz.
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We are sitting now.
Ja teraz NIE śpię.
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I am NOT sleeping now.
Ty NIE czytasz teraz.
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You are NOT reading now.
On NIE je teraz śniadania.
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He is NOT eating breakfast now.
Oni NIE idą teraz do pracy.
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They are NOT going to work now.
Pijesz teraz kawę?
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Are you drinking coffee now?
Siedzisz teraz?
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Are you sitting now?
Mówisz teraz po polsku?
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Are you speaking Polish now?
Czy ona teraz śpi?
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Is she sleeping now?
Czy twój brat ogląda teraz telewizję?
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Is your brother watching tv now?
twoja siostra
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your sister
twój brat
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your brother

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