Patrycja 13th May

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question réponse
Nie mogę narzekać.
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I can't complain.
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to complain
Nie mogę ci pomóc.
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I can't help you.
Chcę ci pomóc.
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I want to help you.
Mogę ci pomóc jutro.
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I can help you tomorrow.
Ona może zrobić śniadanie.
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She can make breakfast.
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Ona nie może tego zrobić.
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She can't do it.
Możesz to zrobić?
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Can you do it?
Czy możesz zrobić śniadanie?
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Can you make breakfast?
Chcę ci pomóc.
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I want to help you.
Chciałbym iść do kina dziś wieczorem.
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I would like to go to the cinema tonight.
dziś wieczorem
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this evening / tonight
dziś rano
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this morning
dziś po południu
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this afternoon
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Chciałbym zjeść pierogi.
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I would like to eat dumplings. / I'd like to eat dumplings.
Chciałbym pojechać do Wilna w tym tygodniu.
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I would like TO go to Vilnius this week.
Czy chcesz zjeść kanapkę?
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Do you want TO eat a sandwich?
Czy chcesz dzisiaj wieczorem?
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Do you want to ride a bike this evening/tonight?
Chcesz zjeść z nami kolację?
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Do you want to eat dinner with us?
z nami
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with us
ze mną
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with me
z nim
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with him
z nią
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with her
z nimi
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with them
z tobą / z wami
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with you
Czy chciałbyś pojeździć na rowerze dziś wieczorem?
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Would you like to ride a bike tonight?
Chcesz zjeść kolację z nami?
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Would you like to eat dinner with us?
jeść „na mieście” / jeść w restauracji
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to eat out
jeździć na rolkach
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to go rollerblading
Tak, co za świetny pomysł!
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Yes, what a great idea!
Nie, dziękuję.
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No, thank you.
Tak, proszę.
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Yes, please.
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a waitress
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a waiter
jak często?
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how often?
Ile godzin pracowałeś wczoraj?
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How many hours did you work yesterday?
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Wczoraj pracowałem 13 godzin.
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Yesterday I workED 13 hours.
Ja pracuję teraz.
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I'm working now.

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