Patricija11th Sept

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Nie ma sprawy. / Nie ma problemu. (gdy, ktoś nas przeprasza)
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No problem. / That's all right.
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to jest ciekawe
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it is interesting / it's interesting
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w chwili obecnej
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at the moment
Czytam teraz książkę.
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I'm reading a book now.
Siedzę teraz.
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I'm sitting now.
Oglądam teraz telewizję.
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I'm watching tv now.
Oglądam teraz film.
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I'm watching A film now.
Mówisz teraz po angielsku.
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You are speaking English now. / You're speaking English now.
Ona teraz gotuje.
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She is cooking now.
Słuchamy teraz muzyki.
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We are listening TO music now. / We're listening to music now.
Słuchamy teraz piosenki.
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We are listening to a song now. / We're listening to a song now.
Oni grają teraz w piłkę nożną.
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They are playing football now. / They're playing football now.
Raz w tygodniu oni grają w piłkę nożną.
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They play football once a week.
Jemy teraz lunch.
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We are having lunch now. / We are eating lunch now.
Codziennie jemy śniadanie.
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We have/eat breakfast every day.
Ona chodzi do pracy pieszo (codziennie).
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She goES to work on foot (every day).
Codziennie ona ogląda telewizję.
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She watches tv every day.
Jem teraz śniadanie.
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I'm eating breakfast now.
Chcę jeść.
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I want TO eat.
Chcę obejrzeć ten film.
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I want TO watch this film.
Chcę przeczytać tę książkę.
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I want TO read this book.
Ona chce przeczytać tę książkę.
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She wantS TO read this book.
Codziennie rano jem śniadanie.
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Every morning I eat breakfast.
codziennie po południu
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every afternoon
codziennie wieczorem
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every evening
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Jaka jest wymowa tego słowa?
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What's the pronunciation of this word?

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