Patricija 16th Aug trial class

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question réponse
Mam 15 lat.
Ile masz lat?
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I'm 15 years old.
How old are you?
Jestem z Litwy.
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I'm from Lithuania.
zapisz to
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write it down / put it down
Mieszkam na Litwie.
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I live in Lithuania.
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
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a verb
Mieszkam w Eisikes.
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I live IN Eisiskes.
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I'm done.
Czy masz jakichś braci lub siostry?
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Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Mam brata.
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I have a brother.
On ma na imię...
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His name is...
Her name is...
W wolnym czasie spotykam się z przyjaciółmi.
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In my free time I meet up with my friends.
spotkać (się)
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to meet - met - met
W wolnym czasie gram na gitarze.
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In my free time I play the guitar.
aparat na zęby
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I have braces on my teeth.
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a guitar
Jaki jest twój pierwszy język?
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What's your first language?
Nie rozumiem.
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I don't understand.
Nie wiem.
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I don't know.
Nie pamiętam.
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I don't remember.
Czy to jasne?
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Is it clear?
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a language
pierwszy język
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first language
Moim pierwszym językiem jest polski.
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My first language is Polish.
Moim drugim językiem jest rosyjski.
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My second language is Russian.
Moim trzecim językiem jest litewski.
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My third language is Lithuanian.
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What's the pronunciation of this word?

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