October 18 2024

 0    18 fiche    zuzaschutzmann
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question réponse
I sleep in the morning
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Ja śpię rano
I'm here for the weekend
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Jestem tutaj na weekend
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I'm sad
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jestem smutna
It's wet
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Jest mokro
I like skiing
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Ja lubie narty
Jade on skis
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Jade na narty
Do you want to?
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Czy ty chcesz?
skis are not safe
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narty są nie bespieczne
I am afraid
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Ja sie boje
I'm afraid of heights
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Ja sie boje wysokosci
I'm tired
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Jestem zmeczony
small mountain
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mala gora
What do I need?
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Co ja potrzebuje?
You need...
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Ty potrzebyjesz...
I'm hungry
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jestem głodny
special offer
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specjalna oferta
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