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savia (de árbol) pegajosa commencer à apprendre
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integrado, incrustado, incorporado, empotrado commencer à apprendre
mota, arenilla, gravilla / coraje, agallas, determinación, valor commencer à apprendre
buen precio, precio decente commencer à apprendre
pequeños bultos, pequeños grumos commencer à apprendre
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El fondo marino aquí está hecho de arcilla. commencer à apprendre
The seabed here is made of clay.
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en llamas, flameante, abrasador, centelleante commencer à apprendre
pelearse, reñir / caerse / romper filas commencer à apprendre
derrumbarse, colapsar, venirse abajo / fallar, fracasar commencer à apprendre
Expr: él lleva la voz cantante, él toma las decisiones commencer à apprendre
adv - con una sonrisa de satisfacción commencer à apprendre
barrer, aniquilar, liquidar, eliminar commencer à apprendre
húmedo, con mucha humedad commencer à apprendre
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salir de / descontar, sacar, debitar, provenir / surgir commencer à apprendre
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Expr: aprobar con éxito (pasar con colores voladores) commencer à apprendre
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Expr: Estar deprimido, tener los animos por los suelos (estar abajo en lso vertederos) commencer à apprendre
fascinante, apasionante (adj) / agarre, sujeción (n) commencer à apprendre
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que asciende socialmente (adj) commencer à apprendre
Expr: escabullirse en el rincón commencer à apprendre
to skirt off into a corner
PV: enfrentarse a, encontrarse con commencer à apprendre
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persona con ambición, persona exitosa commencer à apprendre
un activo, bien mueble/ valor, acciones / ventaja /recurso commencer à apprendre
Expr: Estar dispuesto a bailar a mi sombra commencer à apprendre
Be willing to dance in my shadow
(adj) servicial, atento, amable commencer à apprendre
meter la pata (v) / tonto (n) / metedura de pata (n) commencer à apprendre
Expr: to be in the wrong order (ir en la dirección equivocada) commencer à apprendre
Expr: intervenir por alguien commencer à apprendre
Expr: conocer al principe azul / a la persona perfecta commencer à apprendre
Me arrastraron a una fiesta commencer à apprendre
I was dragged along to a party
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PV: inventó algo original (vino con algo original) commencer à apprendre
to came up with sth original
Expr: aprovechar la oportunidad (saltar ante la oportunidad) commencer à apprendre
Expr: un cambio para bien commencer à apprendre
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Expr: un cambio de opinión (de corazón) commencer à apprendre
Expr: to do something in a different way in order to make it more interesting (llamar a los cambios) commencer à apprendre
Concierto en el que se acaban todas las entradas commencer à apprendre
for or during the night sensation (sensación nocturna) commencer à apprendre
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PV: Quedarse entre bastidores commencer à apprendre
PV: ou do a part of someone's work or give someone money (ayudar a alguien con trabajo o dinero) commencer à apprendre
Expr: unos meses malos (sombríos / depresing months)) commencer à apprendre
PV: romper una relación con alguien commencer à apprendre
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PV: calmar / establecerse commencer à apprendre
Expr: sale de la nada y te golpea commencer à apprendre
come out of the blue and knocks your sideways
PV: pay you for the last time and then end your job, because you are not needed or there is not enough money to pay you in the future (pagarte el finiquito) commencer à apprendre
PV: Reducción de la mano de obra commencer à apprendre
work cut back on its workforce
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Expr: decaer rápidamente (ir cuesta abajo rápido) commencer à apprendre
PV: to gradually become worse commencer à apprendre
PV: to be or become popular or friendly with bad people (llevarse con malas compañías) commencer à apprendre
PV: to find something or someone after looking for them in a lot of different places (rastrear a alguien) commencer à apprendre
someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill, or school subject (un entrendor) commencer à apprendre
Expr: Un techo sobre mi cabeza y un nuevo trabajo en las tarjetas commencer à apprendre
a roof over my head and a new job on the cards
Expr: un día terriblemente horrible (num...) commencer à apprendre
Expr: to not have changed what you do or how you do it for a very long time so that it is not interesting any longer (estar en la rutina) commencer à apprendre
Mirar melancolicamente a mi reflejo commencer à apprendre
to stare gloomily at my reflection
Me compadezco de mí mismo commencer à apprendre
I feel utterly sorry for myself
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grandes salpicaduras de lluvia commencer à apprendre
Expr: como por arte de magia commencer à apprendre
El bus apareció por sorpresa commencer à apprendre
PV: it happens or becomes available unexpectedly or in a way that was not planned commencer à apprendre
PV: When events or details that you did not understand before, but they become easy to understad (encajar) commencer à apprendre
Una vez que descubrí que la mujer era su hermana, todo encajó. commencer à apprendre
Once I discovered that the woman was his sister, everything fell into place.
Expr: to belikely to happen (estar escrito en las cartas) commencer à apprendre
¿Crees que se casarán el año que viene?" "Creo que está en las cartas commencer à apprendre
So you think they'll get married next year?" "I think it's on the cards
Expr: everything that happened since then is well known (el resto es historia) commencer à apprendre
Los Beatles tuvieron su primer disco en 1962 y el resto es historia commencer à apprendre
The Beatles had their first hit record in 1962 and the rest is history.
Go in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns (Apartarse de las rutas más transitadas) commencer à apprendre
Get off the beaten track (UK) / path (Us)
La granja en la que nos quedamos estaba completamente apartada de las rutas más transitadas commencer à apprendre
The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the beaten track
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a thin book with pictures and information usually advertising something (folleto) commencer à apprendre
a plant that grows in the sea (alga) commencer à apprendre
the ropes that support and control a ship's sails (aparejo) commencer à apprendre
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elemento básico de la charla de oficina commencer à apprendre
traveler with dull personality commencer à apprendre
La cuenta atrás fue impecable commencer à apprendre
The countdown was flawless
perfect or without mistakes (impecable) commencer à apprendre
have an argument (discutir) commencer à apprendre
in danger, at risk (por nuestra cuenta y riesgo) commencer à apprendre
Subestimamos la destructividad de la guerra a nuestro riesgo. commencer à apprendre
We underestimate the destructiveness of war at our peril.
Expr: to do something that might be very dangerous for you (nuestro riego) commencer à apprendre
a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company (folleto) commencer à apprendre
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para enmarcar y alinear tu dormitorio commencer à apprendre
to frame and line your bedroom
viajero frecuente (collocation) commencer à apprendre
viajero independiente (collocation) commencer à apprendre
viajero experimentado (collocation) commencer à apprendre
Viajero intrépido (collocation) commencer à apprendre
viajeros cansados (collocation) commencer à apprendre
Viajero exigente (collocation) commencer à apprendre
One who speaks authoritatively about traveling despite not traveling often. (viajero sofá) commencer à apprendre
Viajero incansable o empedernido commencer à apprendre
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a person connected with another in a particular activity (compañero de cama) commencer à apprendre
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an agreement, usually between two armies, to stop fighting in order to allow discussions about peace (alto al fuego) commencer à apprendre
someone whose job is to repair or put together equipment or machines (persona que repara o ajusta) commencer à apprendre
product is intended to be thrown away after use (desechable) commencer à apprendre
having or giving hope (esperanzado, esperanzador) commencer à apprendre
unable to speak because you are so angry, shocked, surprised, etc (sin palabras) commencer à apprendre
easy to see or recognize (perceptible) commencer à apprendre
viajero con poco presupuesto commencer à apprendre
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Tartamudear repitiendo letras, es inato commencer à apprendre
Tartamudear blokeandose y pausas, es adquirido commencer à apprendre
Expr: (of a child) to behave very well (ser tan bueno como el oro) commencer à apprendre
Expr: To be extremely skinny or slender. (estar tan delgado como un rastrillo) commencer à apprendre
Este traje te queda como un globo commencer à apprendre
this suit fits like a glove
Expr: to fit perfectly (sentar como un guante, ir como anillo al dedo, ajustarse como un globo) commencer à apprendre
Eres tan ligero como una pluma commencer à apprendre
You are as light as a feather
Expr: very light (tan ligero como una pluma) commencer à apprendre
Expr: two people completely different from each other (son como la tiza y el queso) commencer à apprendre
be like a chalk and cheese
Expr: very white (tan blanco como una oveja) commencer à apprendre
Expr: to have a red face because you are embarrassed (tan rojo como una remolacha) commencer à apprendre
Expr: to be very stubborn (ser tan cabezota como una mula) commencer à apprendre
Ella camina tan fría como fría como un calabacín, como si nada hubiera pasado commencer à apprendre
she walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened
Expr: very calm or very calmly, especially when this is surprising (tan frío como un calbacín) commencer à apprendre
My abuela tiene 89, pero está tan en forma como un violín commencer à apprendre
my grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a fiddle
Expr: to be very healthy and strong (estar tan en forma como un violín) commencer à apprendre
Expr: very level (tan plano como un creppe) commencer à apprendre
Expr: criticisms of or warming to a particular person that have no effect on that person (como el agua de la espalda de un pato) commencer à apprendre
like water off a duck's back
(humanidad, especie humana) commencer à apprendre
(pedal, sustentador, sostenedor) commencer à apprendre
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(actitud, perspectiva, opinión / pronóstico commencer à apprendre
sutil, disimulado (adj) / imperceptible / ingenioso commencer à apprendre
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Tu idea fue simplemente estúpida. commencer à apprendre
Your idea was just plain stupid.
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sobrevivir, superar / aguantar, soportar, padecer commencer à apprendre
El amor de la pareja había soportado pruebas y tribulaciones. commencer à apprendre
the couple's love had endure trials and tribulations
Adam soportó el dolor en su músculo y logró terminar el maratón commencer à apprendre
Adam endure the ache in his muscle and managed to finish the marathon
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el ladrón atacó a su víctima cuando fueron molestados commencer à apprendre
the burglar set about their victim when they were disturbed
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pronto se producirá un nuevo giro de los acontecimientos commencer à apprendre
a new turn of events will soon come about
ir sobre (pv) / seguir con commencer à apprendre
pero tenemos que hacerlo lentamente commencer à apprendre
but we have to go about this slowly
ahora puedes dedicarte a tus respetables asuntos commencer à apprendre
you may now go about your respectable business
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tea cosy (UK) / tea cozy (US)
grupo que trastorna el orden establecido (grupo subversivo) commencer à apprendre
tocar música en la calle / actuar en la calle commencer à apprendre
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objeto super-elegante, pelo super brilante o liso commencer à apprendre
Nuestro viaje está colgando de un hilo. commencer à apprendre
Our trip is hanging by a thread.
art of using yarn item to decorate commencer à apprendre
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Phr. sla: you are given orders (Rechazé ser dictado por) commencer à apprendre
I refused to be dictated to
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Expr: se vende como churros (como pasteles) commencer à apprendre
stand in the way of (bloquear el paso) commencer à apprendre
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Él planeó escapar (pv) con el dinero commencer à apprendre
he planned to make off with the money
PV: depressed, you feel unhappy or depressed (deprimir) commencer à apprendre
El caos en su casa estaba comenzando a deprimirle (pv) commencer à apprendre
The chaos in his house was starting to get him down
PV: encountering (enfrentarse), have to deal with a problem commencer à apprendre
Si te enfrentas a (pv) dificultades, dejamelo saber y te ayudaré commencer à apprendre
If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out
PV: finish, to get better after an illness, or feel better after sth or sb has made you unhappy commencer à apprendre
Ella acababa de recuperase (pv) de un costipado que ella pillo una gastronteritis commencer à apprendre
she was only just getting over the flu when she got a stomach bu
PV: appeared (aparecer), to move towards someone commencer à apprendre
Una joven vino a mí (pv) y me pidió dinero commencer à apprendre
a young girl came up to me and asked for money
PV: submit, to succeed in entering a place, especially by using force or a trick commencer à apprendre
Ellos tendrían que haber entrado (pv) por la ventana del baño commencer à apprendre
They must have got in through the bathroom window
PV: spreads, to persuade someone to allow you sth by using your charm commencer à apprendre
Mira a ver si puedes convencer a tu padre (pv) de que te lleve al juego commencer à apprendre
see if you can get round your father to take you to the game
Ninguna cantidad de dinero puede compensar (pv) la muerte de un niño commencer à apprendre
No amount of money can make up for the death of a child
PV: offsets (compensaciones), to take the place of sth lost or damaged or to compensate for sth bad with sth good commencer à apprendre
Tratamos de llegar a nuestro punto de vista (pv), pero él no quiso escuchar commencer à apprendre
we tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn't listen
PV: conveying, to manage to make sb understand or believe sth (transmitir) commencer à apprendre
Él está llevando a cabo (pv) investigaciones sobre el arte cristiano temprano commencer à apprendre
He is carrying out research on early Christian art
PV: conducting, to do or complete sth, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do commencer à apprendre
Si podemos bajar (salir) (pv) a las siete, las carreteras estarán despejadas commencer à apprendre
if we can get off by seven o'clock, the roads will be cleared
PV: despatch / dispatch, to leave a place, usully in order to start a journey commencer à apprendre
Dos cargas de tela fueron enviadas a la fábrica el 12 de diciembre commencer à apprendre
two loads of cloth were dispatched to the factory on 12 December
to send sth, especially goods or a message, somewhere for a particular purpose (enviar un paquete) commencer à apprendre
PV: work, to happen as planned, or to succeed commencer à apprendre
Había algún tipo de acuerdo de propiedad que no funcionó (pv) commencer à apprendre
there was some sort of property deal that didn't come off
PV: arise, to be mentioned or talked about in conversation commencer à apprendre
¿Qué puntos surgieron (pv) en la reunión? commencer à apprendre
What points came up at the meeting?
PV: it is successful (valer la pena) commencer à apprendre
Todo su trabajo duro valió la pena al final (pv), y finalmente aprobó el examen commencer à apprendre
All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam
PV: to deal successfully with a problem or a situation (sacar adelante) commencer à apprendre
Sus registros financieros son un desastre, pero los solucionaremos (pv) commencer à apprendre
Her financial records are a mess, but we will sort them out
PV: it begins and seems likely to continue in a serious way (establecida) commencer à apprendre
La desesperación parece estar establecida (pv) en el equipo commencer à apprendre
despair seems to have ser in among the team
PV: to say sth that adds to or interrupts what is already being said (añadir a la conversación) commencer à apprendre
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PV: to fix a large piece of equipment or system into a room or building, ready to be used (instalar) commencer à apprendre
Me acaban de poner (pv) calefacción central commencer à apprendre
I've just had central heating put in
PV: to completely understand the meaning or importance of sth (pillar la información) commencer à apprendre
Tuve que leer la carta dos veces antes de que pudiera pillarlo todo (pv) commencer à apprendre
I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in
PV: to do or use less of sth (dejar) commencer à apprendre
Estoy intentando dejar la cafeina commencer à apprendre
I am trying to cut down on caffeine
PV: to spend less, do less, or use less of sth (reducir) commencer à apprendre
Si hacer deporte te produce dolor, tienes que reducirlo commencer à apprendre
If exercise is causing you pain, you should cut back
PV: to finally agree to what someone wants, after refusing for a period of time commencer à apprendre
El gobierno no puede ser visto como cediendo (pv) a las demandas de los terroristas commencer à apprendre
The government cannot be seen as giving in to terrorists' demands
PV: you do a part of someone's work or give someone money commencer à apprendre
sus padres ayudaron (pv) a (ella) con un préstamo de £500 commencer à apprendre
her parents helped (her) out with a £500 loan
PV: to defend or support a particular idea or a person who is being criticized or attacked commencer à apprendre
Es hora de que todos defendamos (pv) nuestros derechos por aquí commencer à apprendre
It's high time we all stood up for our rights around here
PV: to behave in a way that is intended to attact attention or admiration, and that other people often find annoying (lucirse) commencer à apprendre
ella sólo compró ese coche deportivo para lucirse (pv) y demostrar que podía permitirse uno commencer à apprendre
she only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford one
PV: to steal sth (llevarse) commencer à apprendre
alguien entró en la tienda y se escapó (pv) con varios televisores commencer à apprendre
somebody broke into the shop and make off with several TVs
PV: to have to deal with a problem commencer à apprendre
Si tienes muchas dificultades (pv), avísame y te ayudaré commencer à apprendre
If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out
PV: to finish, use, or sell all of sth, so that there is none left / sth has been used or it is completely finished (agotado) commencer à apprendre
Me he quedado sin (pv) leche commencer à apprendre
PV: to avoid doing sth that you do not want to do, especially by giving an excuse (librarse, escabullirse) commencer à apprendre
Si puedo escaquearme (pv) de ir a la reunión, lo haré commencer à apprendre
If I can get out of going to the meeting tonight, i will
PV: to murder someone (acabar con, poner fin a, deshacerse de) commencer à apprendre
Tenía algo de esperanza de poder acabar con las operaciones escubiertas commencer à apprendre
I was kind of hoping to do away with the covert ops
PV: to succeed in avoiding punishment for sth (salirse con, escapar con, librarse de) commencer à apprendre
Si pensara que podría salirme con la mía commencer à apprendre
if I thought I could get away with it
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a useful and valuable ressource commencer à apprendre
willing to help or please commencer à apprendre
Expr: what you do for living (ganarse el pan) commencer à apprendre
Muletillas (rellenadores de conversación) commencer à apprendre
social mobile (ascender socialmente) commencer à apprendre
a large farming tool with blades that digs the soil in fields so that seeds can be planted (arado) commencer à apprendre
make you way through (abrirse camino) commencer à apprendre
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the lengh of time that a living thing, especially a human being, is likely to live (esperanza de vida9 commencer à apprendre
believing or causing you to believe that sth desired will happen (esperanzador, optimista, prometedor) commencer à apprendre
sth that happens in a way or at a time that you know about before it happens (pevisible, pronosticlable) commencer à apprendre
sth you can use if you do not want to use another one (alternativa, variante, alterno, sustitutorio) commencer à apprendre
relating to the study or writing of philosophy (filosófico) commencer à apprendre
relating to test, especially scientific ones (experimental, piloto) commencer à apprendre
unable to speak because you are so angry, shocked, surpised, etc. (sin palabras, mudo, boquiabierto) commencer à apprendre
easy to see or recognize (notable, perceptible) commencer à apprendre
Perfect or without mistakes (imperefcto, sin defectos) commencer à apprendre
A disposable product is intended to be thrown away after use (desechable, de un solo uso) commencer à apprendre
extremely bad or unsuccessful (desastroso, catastrófico) commencer à apprendre
very large in size, amount, or number (masivo, gigantesco) commencer à apprendre
very small pieces of dried bread, especially used in cooking (migas de pan) commencer à apprendre
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Refreshments will be served.
Mujeres en el trabajo de verdad me saca de mis casillas commencer à apprendre
woman in the workplace really gets my goat
Me dejé llevar un poco cuando fui de compras y gasté demasiado dinero commencer à apprendre
I got a bit carried away when I wen shopping and spent far too much money
¿Cuánto desembolsaste (pv) por tus zapatos nuevos? commencer à apprendre
How much did you fork out for your new shoes?
La factura de la tarjeta de crédito era bastante fuerte este mes commencer à apprendre
The credit card bill was pretty hefty this month
Mi hermana estaba en un presupuesto ajustado cuando estaba en la universidad commencer à apprendre
my sister was on a tight budget when she was at college
Dejó su imaginación correr libre cuando pintó su habitación commencer à apprendre
she let her imagination run wild when she painted her room
Estoy muerto de ganas deir a la universidad y obtener mi título commencer à apprendre
I'm dead set on going to university and getting my degree
Sus ideas de expandir la compañía están muy en líneas con las mías commencer à apprendre
His ideas for expanding the company are very much in line with mine
No pretendía ser un autostopista commencer à apprendre
I didn't intend to be thumbing lifts
Expr: to persuade a driver of a passing car to stop and take you somewhere, by putting your hand out with your thumb raised commencer à apprendre
thumb a lift (UK) / thumb a ride (US)
Expr: to accept a difficult or unpleasant responsibility, duty (hombro problema) commencer à apprendre
Expr: to pay for something, especially something expensive that you do not want to pay for (pagar la cuenta9 commencer à apprendre
Expr: to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done (se enfrento a la música) commencer à apprendre
Expr: to do what you are expected to do without causing trouble for anyone (seguir las reglas) commencer à apprendre
Expr: to be able to accept an unpleasant idea or watch something unpleasant (soportar la idea) commencer à apprendre
stomach the idea / face de idea
Expr: to push someone rudely with your elbows so that you can move or have more space (hacerse hueco entre la gente) commencer à apprendre
Si quieres seguir adelante, será mejor que aprendas a seguir la línea. (con dedo del pie) commencer à apprendre
If you want to get ahead, you’d better learn to toe the line.
No puede soportar la idea de que Peter sea el próximo presidente. (con estómgo) commencer à apprendre
He can't stomach the idea that Peter might be the next chairman.
Hicieron a un lado a los espectadores (con el codo) commencer à apprendre
They elbowed the onlookers aside.
Estar atento a las condiciones climáticas commencer à apprendre
Be aware of weather conditions
Para tu propia tranquilidad commencer à apprendre
For your own peace of mind,
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Compobar que también es una buena idea commencer à apprendre
Checking that is also a good idea
optar por taxis oficiales sobre operadores menos regulados commencer à apprendre
opt for official taxis over less regulated operators
Evitar el uso de operadores de bajo coste commencer à apprendre
avoid using low cost operators
Lo mejor es esperar y esperar (lo mejor es sentarse estrecho y esperar commencer à apprendre
The best thing is to sit tight and wait it out
Considere la posibilidad de encontrar un salón ejecutivo del aeropuerto commencer à apprendre
Consider finding an executive airport lounge
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De esta manera, será más facil rastrear al conductor commencer à apprendre
That way, it will be easier to track the driver down
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a situation in which there is not enough of sth (desabastecimiento) commencer à apprendre
PV: to annoy sb very much (sacar la cabra de alguien) commencer à apprendre
PV: to become so excited about sth that you do not control what you say or do (perder el control de la excitación) commencer à apprendre
PV: to pay an amount of money, especially unwillingly commencer à apprendre
in a way that involves someone doing sth they do not want to do commencer à apprendre
PV: sb behaves as they want to without being controlled by anyone commencer à apprendre
PV: determined to, firmly decided to commencer à apprendre
FH: vacas tiradas en el campo significa que la lluvia está en camino commencer à apprendre
cows lying in the filed means rain is on its way
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a small bird with curved, pointed wings that can fly ver fast (vencejo) commencer à apprendre
a very strong wind (vendabal) commencer à apprendre
Collocation: very important /involving the possibility that someone will die (vida y muerte) commencer à apprendre
willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own (dar y tomar) commencer à apprendre
C: very often (una y otra vez) commencer à apprendre
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C: put sb in a very hard situation (alto y seco) commencer à apprendre
C: more than anything else (primero y antetodo) commencer à apprendre
C: situation easy to understand whats is right and wrong (blanco y negro) commencer à apprendre
C: always support or stay with them (delgado y grueso) commencer à apprendre
C: uncertain situation (toca y vete) commencer à apprendre
C: someone from your family (carne y sangre) commencer à apprendre
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FH el dinero es la raíz del mal commencer à apprendre
money is the root of all evil
FH: pronto acostarse, pronto levantar hace a un hombre sano, rico y sabio commencer à apprendre
early to bed, early to rise,. makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
someone who feels awake and full of energy in the morning (persona diurna) commencer à apprendre
a morning person / an early bird
someone who prefers to be awake and active at night (persona nocturna) commencer à apprendre
Si le das un pescado a un hombre, lo alimentas por un día, pero enséñale a pescar y lo alimentas de por vida. commencer à apprendre
if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day, but teach him to fish and you feed him for life
fish or other sea creatures that are caught unintentionally by people who are trying to catch other types of fish commencer à apprendre
an amount of something that can be held in one hand (puñado) commencer à apprendre
a small square piece of cloth or paper, used while you are eating to protect your clothes or to clean your mouth or fingers (servilleta) commencer à apprendre
a square of thick soft paper or cloth taht is fastened around a baby's bottom and between its legs to absorb its urine and solid waste (pañal) commencer à apprendre
the side of sth that is usually closest to the ground (envés) commencer à apprendre
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to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from fixed point, ot to cause sth or sb to do this (columpiarse) commencer à apprendre
sb who helps with an activity (ayudante) commencer à apprendre
the young of an animal (descendencia) commencer à apprendre
to hit sth repeatedly and with great force (abofetear) commencer à apprendre
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perfect happiness (felicidad) commencer à apprendre
the feeling of being unhappy, disappointed, or without hope (abatimiento) commencer à apprendre
a cause of a feeling of great sadness (tristeza) commencer à apprendre
a strong feeling of hating someone or something (aversión) commencer à apprendre
the quality of being boring for a long time (tedio) commencer à apprendre
to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen (muerto de miedo) commencer à apprendre
to live temporary in basic and uncomfortable condition (sobrevivimos) commencer à apprendre
mientras que la casa estaba siendo decorada nosotros sobrevivimos en una tienda commencer à apprendre
while the house was being decorated we roughed it in a tend
Idiom: to be able to live with a very small amount of money (manejar un presupuesto bajo) commencer à apprendre
get by on a shoestring budget
sin embargo la comunidad de salud tuvo que operar durante muchos años con un presupuesto bajo commencer à apprendre
however community health councils have had to operate for many years on a shoestring budget
idiom: sb who is very interested in music, art, theatre (vuitre de cultura) commencer à apprendre
idiom: living in very comfortable condition because you have a lot of money (en la cima del lujo) commencer à apprendre
la gente está viviendo en las calles mientras que otros viven en la cima del lujo commencer à apprendre
people are living on the streets while others live in lap of luxury
to live in accordance with someone's expectation or an ideal standard (vivir cumpliendo las expectativas) commencer à apprendre
to live up to someone's expectation