numers and calculations

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metric measurments
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pomiary metryczne
imperial system
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system cesarski
whole number
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cały numer
decimal number
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liczba dziesiętna
nought point seven
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zero punktu siódmego
round up / round down
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zaokrąglenie w górę / zaokrąglenie w dół
two decimal places
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Dwa miejsca po przecinku
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one hundredth of an inch
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jedna setna cala
one thousandth
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jedna tysięczna
rounding error
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błąd zaokrąglenia
pythagorean theorem
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twierdzenie Pitagorasa
square number
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liczba kwadratowa
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równa się
the square root of
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pierwiastek kwadratowy z
substract from
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odejmij od
divide that by
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podziel to przez

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