noun niepolicz słówka

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butelka wody
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bottle of water
tabliczka czekolady
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a bar of chocolate
pudełko mleka
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a carton of milk
bochen chleba
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loaf of bread
puszka piwa
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can of beer
szczypta soli
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pinch of salt
słoik dżemu
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a jar of jam
kostka masła
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slab of butter
plaster sera
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slice of cheese
ziarno ryżu
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grain of rice
utwór muzyczny
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piece of music
jedna wiadomość
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item of news
gra w szachy
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game of chees
kostka mydła
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a bar of soap
grupa ludzi
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group of people
grono przyjaciół
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Circle of friends
trochę rady
commencer à apprendre
a bit of advice
stado bydła
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herd of cattle
kawałek papieru
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piece of paper
gałąź wiedzy
commencer à apprendre
branch of knowledge

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