My Lesson4

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question English réponse English
youthful image
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youthful image
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She is constantly going out
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She is constantly going out
I want to examine her resume
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I want to examine her resume
The upcoming advertising campaign
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The upcoming advertising campaign
Do you have a tire suitable for this motorcycle?
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Do you have a tire suitable for this motorcycle?
I am convinced he will win
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I am convinced he will win
The ad is oriented to busy people
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The ad is oriented to busy people
I don't think the figures in the report are correct
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I don't think the figures in the report are correct
It sounds like it might be quite interesting
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It sounds like it might be quite interesting
Do not try to influence my desicion
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Do not try to influence my desicion
I am rehearsing the speech
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I am rehearsing the speech
I felt tense and nervous before the interview
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I felt tense and nervous before the interview
Careful brushing is of primary importance
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Careful brushing is of primary importance
The first item on the agenda is
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The first item on the agenda is
We have come to the conclusion that
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We have come to the conclusion that
Let's get down to business
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Let's get down to business
It will be impossible not to notice it
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It will be impossible not to notice it
That's the idea
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That's the idea
He's shaking his head
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He's shaking his head
I'd just like to say that
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I'd just like to say that
Make an outline of the main point
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Make an outline of the main point
Did you consulted a lowyer?
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Did you consulted a lowyer?
Dark clouds usually signify that is going to rain
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Dark clouds usually signify that is going to rain
I don't like the attention you get from other guys
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I don't like the attention you get from other guys
Your job outlook will be brighter
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Your job outlook will be brighter
I need to get this projector working
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I need to get this projector working
She has such a pleasant outlook on life
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She has such a pleasant outlook on life
Just give an straight answer
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Just give an straight answer
I am going to rehearse the presentation
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I am going to rehearse the presentation
Get to the point and present your ideas
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Get to the point and present your ideas
make an outline of the main idea
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make an outline of the main idea
This is just a rehersal
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This is just a rehersal
He is well prepared on this subject
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He is well prepared on this subject
I want to conclude the meeting reinforcing that
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I want to conclude the meeting reinforcing that
I want to thanks for your support
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I want to thanks for your support
Take time to think the idea over
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Take time to think the idea over
Hi, is Eduardo in?
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Hi, is Eduardo in?
I wanted to speak with you
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I wanted to speak with you
Lets discuss the details
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Lets discuss the details
Come in to my office
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Come in to my office
Lets set a time for next meeting
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Lets set a time for next meeting
We will summarize our achivements
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We will summarize our achivements
It's been some time since we were in contact
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It's been some time since we were in contact
I'll have finished by then
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I'll have finished by then
She will graduate next year
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She will graduate next year
She cann't graduate until fall
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She cann't graduate until fall
The next time I know, you will be here
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The next time I know, you will be here
She won't have had enough time to correct all them by then
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She won't have had enough time to correct all them by then
I'm in no hurry
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I'm in no hurry
I will have come home when she arrives
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I will have come home when she arrives
I wonder how will Bogota be like in 2050
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I wonder how will Bogota be like in 2050
She should have finished it by now
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She should have finished it by now
I wont have had breakfast yet, it's too early
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I wont have had breakfast yet, it's too early
for one thing
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for one thing
Many chnages will have ocurred
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Many chnages will have ocurred
I'll be working then
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I'll be working then
I don't get off until 5
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I don't get off until 5
May I come over at 6 tomorrow?
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May I come over at 6 tomorrow?
Come at 7, by then I'll be free
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Come at 7, by then I'll be free
Maybe it will have stop raining before then
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Maybe it will have stop raining before then
I'll be in oracle 9 years on March 7th
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I'll be in oracle 9 years on March 7th
On March 7th I'll have worked here for 9 years
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On March 7th I'll have worked here for 9 years
They will be getting engaged any time soon
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They will be getting engaged any time soon
That way we can speed up implementation
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That way we can speed up implementation
When he comes out we will go for lunch
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When he comes out we will go for lunch
It appears to be no end in sight
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It appears to be no end in sight
It depends on your outlook
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It depends on your outlook
We have to get over this condition
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We have to get over this condition
This tasks need to become part of our daily routine
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This tasks need to become part of our daily routine
That conclude our presentation
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That conclude our presentation
Think of the starving children in India
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Think of the starving children in India
It's a fickle weather
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It's a fickle weather
I'll try to reach out to him
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I'll try to reach out to him
I can draw her to the university
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I can draw her to the university
There is not to much of a difference between them
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There is not to much of a difference between them
From the 1960s onward
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From the 1960s onward
The hardship of life
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The hardship of life
She took to drink
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She took to drink
dodgy person
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dodgy person
I am laced with vodka
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I am laced with vodka
he cropped up of nowhere
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he cropped up of nowhere
Lets get down to business
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Lets get started
Can I get your attention please?
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Can I get your attention please?
We need to get this show in the road
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We need to get this show in the road
I really appreciate you being on time and ready to work
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It could be the oil filter or something
I want to indroduce Jairo
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The main objective of this meeting is to
The primary purpose of this meeting is to cope with a requirement to
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Let's get back to that in a moment
Lets go through the agenda
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Lets go through the agenda
We have a lot to cover
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We will go through it orderly.
Go over the swiitch configuration
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Let's take a quick look of the ageda
The agenda is broken down into 5 main points
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I prepared some figures to help us understand this situation
I am distributing this documents now.
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Let's move straight to the first point in the agenda
Please kick off
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Why don't you tell us what you think about
He is demotivated
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He really threw me a curve
In what way?
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In what way?
most people are worse off now than they were before
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most people are worse off now than they were before
He is too authoritarian
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He is an obedient soldier
She has charisma
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You have to respect hierarchy
That is very inappropiate
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That is very inappropiate
I want to emphasize that this is a risky movement
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We have several perks at work
one of the perk of the job
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An incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment
he did his best to play it down
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Understate the importance or quality of
You would do well to call her
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It can be inappropiate

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