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Perhaps he'll come up with the better approach in his new job.
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The tax is deducted from my salary every month.; It will deduct $5 from every invoice.
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Encyclopedia of things considered harmful.
z pewnością, na pewno, oczywiście commencer à apprendre
Can I go with you? Certainly.; Well, it certainly wasn't an easy question.; I certainly can.
zadowolony (z jakiegoś powodu) commencer à apprendre
I'm glad it makes you laugh.
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Her unexpected refusal hurt his pride.
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Volume sales; Wholesale price; selling by wholesale; Where can I buy wholesale jewellery?
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She asked him to stall the guests, as the party wasn't ready yet.; He tried to stall the conversation by asking strange questions.; Our app was stalled in review phase for a week.
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zastępca (osoby wyższej rangą), poseł commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
Curiosity finally gets the better of me and I turn around.
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This is unnecessary expense
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Years of missmenagement have clearly put the society in a hole.
przestój, przerwa w dostawie commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
I left my notes at home. What a bummer.
głęboki, dogłębny, całkowity, gruntowny commencer à apprendre
Medical application of AI is profound. You earned my profound respect.
commencer à apprendre
It was a real bargain. That wasn't much of a bargain. What a bargain.
co za interes!:) <sarkazm> commencer à apprendre
What a bargain! What a rip-off.
powierzchowny, pobieżny, pozorny commencer à apprendre
It's a very superficial description.
commencer à apprendre
You're welcome! My pleasure. No worries. No problem.
awaria, niesprawność, błąd systemu, nie działać poprawnie commencer à apprendre
It maybe a malfunction in the detection system.
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main course. A waiter is bringing a second course. I ate a three-course dinner today.
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dostawca (o firmie, osobie) commencer à apprendre
How to set the price for suppliers?
commencer à apprendre
Disposable batteries are a costly way to buy power. Disposable razor.
wypróbować coś, przetestować commencer à apprendre
Give (sth) a spin. You don't need to install the app onto your phone to give it a spin.
nieszczęścia, kłopoty, niedola commencer à apprendre
He has made a new album to distract himself from his woes.
podstawowy, prymitywny, wrodzony, prosty commencer à apprendre
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ruthlessly attack your component
czepianie się, szukanie dziury w całym pedantyczne czepianie się commencer à apprendre
used for example in pull request reviews
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Teachers like students who are eager to learn.
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be indifferent to the prospect of a future together
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