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soak up
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napawać się czymś
brush up
"I need to brush up my Spanish"; "I need to brush up after the journey"
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odświeżyć, podszlifować (np. język) siebie po podrózy
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
królikarnia, zatłoczone miejsce, w którym bardzo łatwo się zgubić (np. zatłoczona dzielnica wąskich, krętych uliczek)
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
I can't quite pin down how I feel about it
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Nie do końca wiem, co o tym sądzę
I have mixed feelings
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Mam mieszane uczucia
I can't make out how I feel about it yet
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jeszcze nie wiem co o tym sądzić
I don't have the foggiest idea
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Nie mam zielonego pojęcia
I'm split about it
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Jestem rozdarty
I'm torn between...
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Jestem rozdarta między...
To scoff
Don't scoff, all I'm saying is you should apologize them!
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drwić, szydzić
to fend for oneself
Now that our kids are old enough to fend for themselves, we can go away on holiday on our own.
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radzić sobie samemu
to be in the limelight
She doesn'y enjoy being in the limelight, but it's part of her job now.
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być w centrum uwagi
to call a truce
i'm not sure we'll be able to call a truce. they're not willing to negotiate,
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zawrzeć rozejm
to strike a deal
Do you think we can strike a deal under these circumstances
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zawrzeć umowę, dobić tagu
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Zniszczony, stary
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bystry, przenikliwy (w radzeniu sobie z ludźmi, problemami)
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przerażony, osłupiały (np. na widok czegoś)

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