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(Nie) Interesuje mnie
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I am (not) into
(Nie) Jestem fanem/fanką
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I'm (not) a fan of
Nie jestem zainteresowana
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I'm not keen on
Nie szaleje za
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Im not mad about
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I prefer
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I love
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I enjoy/like
Nie znoszę
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I hate
Co wiesz o
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What do you know about
Czy znasz
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Do you know this
Czy wiesz coś o
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Do you know anything about
Przepraszam, jak...?
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Excuse me, how do you...?
Czy mógłbyś mi powiedzieć jak...
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Could you tell me how...
Chciałabym wiedzieć jak
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Id like to know
Chciałabym się zapytać o
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I would like to ask about
Nigdy nie słyszałam o
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I've never heard of
Nic nie wiem o
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I dont know nothing about
Dużo wiem o
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I know a lot about

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