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za jednym zamachem
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at one fell swoop
4 str. świata
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The four corners of the world
niewielkie pocieszenie
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cold comfort
znaleść zaletę w sytuacji w której i tak musimy coś zrobić
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To make a virtual of necessity
śmiać się do rozpuku
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to laugh yourself into stitches
Po zawodach
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the game is up
To dla mnie chinszczyzna
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This is all Greek to me
krzyżyk na drogę
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good riddance
Moja krew
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somebody's own flesh and blood
ślepym trafem
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as luck would have it
mieć serce na dłoni
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wear somebody's heart upon his sleeve
Z góry przesądzone
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a foregone conclusion
być nie do opisania
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beggar all description
żałosny widok
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a sorry sight
Co za dużo to nie zdrowo
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too much of a good thing
prawda wyjdzie na jaw
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true will out

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