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PV Sad or depressed.
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Sorry, I'm a little down—I had a really bad day. "You seemed kind of down, so I got you a treat from the vending machine." B: "Aww, that's so nice of you!"
PV(transitive, literally) To be responsible for (something)
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to be on
That task is on you.
PV być na (o lekach). Take medication or drugs, especially when they affect the person badly.
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to be on
He IS ON anti-depressants and has become very difficult to please.
stracić przytomność PV. Fall unconscious.
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to black out
He BLACKED OUT and collapsed on the floor.
PV W szerszym kontekście może też odnosić się do mocnego ogłoszenia czy komunikatu. (intransitive, idiomatic, of sound) to be produced loudly
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to blare out
The music was BLARING OUT and I couldn't get to sleep. The headlines blared out: Karl Rove Resigns. The newspaper headlines blared out the scandal.

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