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zajecia w czasie wolnym
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leisure activities
plywac kajakiem
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canoeinggo kayaking
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go sightseeing
czytac komus na glos
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read aloud to sb
przegladac tresci w sieci
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browse content on the web
isc do clubu
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go clubbing
syskoczyc na miasto
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hot the town
wylegiwac sie
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lie in
prowadzic zycie towazyskie
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drugi dzien swiat b. n
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Boxing Day
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jar, ark swiateczny
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christmas fair
lamac sie oplatkiem
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break the wafer
robic postanowienia noworoczne
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make resolutions
szukac jajek od zajaca
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go on an egg hunt
dzien ustawowo wolny od pracy
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bank holiday
swieto niepodleglosci
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Independence Day
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an anniversary
przyjecie weselne
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wedding reception
wydraxyc dynie
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carve pumpkins
składac zyczenia
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express good wishes
przestrzegac zwyczaju
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follow the custom
podarowac kartke okolicznosciowa
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give a card
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roxnica zdan
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wartosci rodzinne
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family values
poklociv sie z kims
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quarrel with sb
buntowac sie
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ustwic granice
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set boundaries
omowic cos
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talk sth trough
ganic kogos
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tell sb off

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