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rub your nose
Syndrom pinokia
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Pinocchio syndrome
Syndrom pinokia
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when someone tells a lie, the person's blood rushes to the nose and the extra blood makes it itchy
napływającej krew
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blood rushes
sprawia, że swędzi
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make it itchy
podrapać nos
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scratch nose
przesłuchania w siadzie
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uzyskać poparcie
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gain support
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skrzyżowane ręce mogą być postrzegane jako
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crossed arms can be seen as
skrzyżowane ręce mogą być postrzegane jako
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either defensive or aggressive
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rytm mowy
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rhythm of speech
Wszystko to mówi wiele
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All of these speak volumes
when we are trying to remember something
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we Llook away and dont look at someone full face
ruchy odruchowe
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reflexive movements
odwracanie wzroku
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glancing away
źrenica oka
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pupil of the eye
when pupil of the eye gets bigger
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probably is an involuntary sign that something is being hidden
mimowolny znak
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involuntary sign
stały/równy głos
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steady voice
stale / wciąż
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mowią naczej
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say otherwise
handshakes should always be
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firm and steady
mocny i stabilny
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firm and steady
people who live in warm climates
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stand a lot closer to one another than people in cooler climates
zerwanie umowy biznesowej
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breaking a business contract
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I'm providing
podnosić czujność
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put guard
w próbie/starając sie
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in the attempt
pomarszczone czoło
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wrinkled forehead
zmrużone oczy
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narrowed eyes
czerwona twarz
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red face
zaciśnięte zęby
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clenched teeth
ręce na biodrach
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hands on hips
stukanie stopą
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tapping his foot
głowa pochylona w dół
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head down
oczy spuszczone
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eyes cast down
spuszczone usta
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downturned mouth
założone ramiona
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folded arms
obniżone powieki
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lowered eyelids
zawstydzony (rumienienie sie)
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stopy zwrócone do wewnątrz
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feet turned Inwards
uniesione brwi
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raised eyebrows

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