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question réponse
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The traffic encouraged many people to use trains.
stay on
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pozostawać po godzinach
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break into
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włamać się do
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ostry, przenikliwy (o bólu)
sroga zima
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brac rozwazac traktowac
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fewer and fewer
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Coraz mniej
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enabling technologies
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technologii wspomagających
come up with
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wpaść na coś, wymyślić coś
show up
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pokazać się
Will you show up at my party?
meet up
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spotkać się
All these years I just never met up with him.
go ahead
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zacząć robić (po uzyskaniu pozwolenia)
When you finish this task you can go ahead with the next one.
go ahead
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iść przodem
come one to sometging
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przechodzić do nowego tematu, przechodzić do czegoś
przejdziemy do kwestii waszego slubu?
Shall we come on to the question of your wedding?
grow up
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Children grow up and are no longer children.
find out
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dowiadywac sie czegos
I have finally found out what is wrong with my bike
come back
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We came back home at 3 a.m.
go out
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wychodzić, umawiac sie z kims
We have been going out for two months.
take somebody out
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zabierać kogoś gdzieś/wychodzić z kimś/położyć kogoś na łopatki
My boyfriend is taking me out today to a fancy restaurant.
take something out
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wyciagnac cos/ wypakowac
(Ona wyciągnęła drzazgę z mojego kciuka.)
She took out a splinter from my thumb.
come up with something
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znalezc cos np rozwiazanie
Martin has come up with a great idea.

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