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złota rączka, majster klepka
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a jack of all trades
nowicjusz, nowicjuszka, żółtodziób
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ktoś nowy w danym miejscu, środowisku
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ktoś kto dopiero co szybko awansował i zaczął się wywyższać
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gra o sumie zerowej
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a zero-sum game
(game theory) A game (or a similar political or economic system) in which the gains of some players must equal the losses of others.
podjąć szybką decyzję. to make a quick decision or give an answer quickly
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to think on one's feet
The flat is available but we need to think on our feet, otherwise it'll be gone before we notice. I'd never heard about the company before, so I had to think on my feet.
to be young and without experience. mieć mleko pod nosem
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be wet behind the ears
We don't want our applicants to be wet behind the ears. It is a tough job requiring skills and, most of all, experience.
przen. podpieracz ścian na zabawie/każdy kto jest nieśmiały, niezręczny w syt. społ.
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a wallflower
There were too many wallflowers at the party, so things never really got lively.
Na miejsca!
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Action stations!
Action stations, everyone, the boss will arrive in the office in a few minutes. Alright guys, stop chatting and get down to work. Action stations!
nigdy w życiu, nie ma mowy!
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Not on your life!
"Will you marry me?" "Not on your bloody life".
pióro jest potężniejsze(silniejsze) niż miecz!
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The pen is mightier than the sword.
Instead of starting a fight you could have written a harsh article about this guy. The pen is mightier than the sword, my friend.
z grubej rury, dosadny. close to the truth in a way that might offend some people.
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close to the bone
Of course I'm mad—dad's remarks about how I'm wasting my life were close to the bone. His opinions tend to be too close to the bone.
to try to keep someone satisfied and pleased with you so that you can continue to get what you want
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to keep sb sweet
He made a few concessions to keep the shareholders sweet. Remember to tip the barman to keep him sweet. I like to keep him sweet because he's quite useful to have on our side.
wycisnąć z kogoś ostatnie soki
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to suck sb dry (of sth)
I tell you, don't you ever have kids. They will suck you dry! That firm sucks its new programmers dry after five years and then fires them. Big cities suck the surrounding towns dry of local talent.

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