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To be anxious / to have anxiety
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To be anxious / to have anxiety
To be patient / to have patience / impatient
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To be patient / to have patience / impatient
To be creative / to have creativity
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To be creative / to have creativity
To be generous / to have generosity
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To be generous / to have generosity
Cut out / to cancel
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Plant based
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Cut down
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Legal / illegal
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Legal / illegal
Processed foods
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Processed foods
Hard for digestion
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Hard for digestion
Polish cuisine
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Polish cuisine
Preserving culture
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Preserving culture
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Crash / come down
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Crash / come down
Put up / lift up / stimulated
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Put up / lift up / stimulated
Illogical / not logical
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Illogical / not logical
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Thesis paper
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thesis paper
Bitter / sweet / strong / weak / saturated
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Bitter / sweet / strong / weak / saturated
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