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Attachment as intrapsychic construct
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Functions: Emotional regulation / Organization of individual life experiences / A basis for cognitive attention control (e.g., focus on exploration or closeness)
Attachment as the bond with an attachment figure
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„... an affectional bond, (...) an attachment figure is never wholly interchangeable (...) In attachment there is a need to maintain proximity / distress upon inexplicable separation / pleasure or joy upon reunion / grief at loss
Attachment as the bond with an attachment figure (What is not a part of it))
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seeking to obtain an experience of security and comfort in a relationship with the partner
The main functions of attachment bond
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Safe heaven in Times of danger, distress and sickness / Secure base for exploration in conditions of lack of danger
Parent should never...
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should not treat the child as the attachment figure (danger of parentification)!
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the process of role reversal whereby a child is obliged to act as parent to their own parent or sibling.
Models of attachment
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Secure / preoccupied (anxious)/ Avoidant / Fearful
What are functions of attachment?
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Protection and exploration
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mental representation (!) of bond with an attachment figure Who is treated as Safe haven (protection) Secure base (exploration)

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