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to dress up, to get up (e.g. as dragon, princess...)
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att klä ut sig
to break out, to erupt
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att brista ut
to take part, to stand by, to line up
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att ställa upp
to wait for, to hold out for
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att vänta på
to keep on, to continue, to hold on, to cling to
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att hålla i sig
to have a feeling, to sense, to suspect
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att känna på sig
to slow down, to brake, to pull in
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att sakta ner, bromsa in
to collapse, to break down
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att falla ihop
to pour, to sheet, to teem down
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att ösa ner
to offer, to take out (for a meal), to ask out (for a date)
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att bjuda ut
to back down, to back off
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att backa ur
to feel, to notice, to know
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att känna av
to jerk, to jump, to wince
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att rycka till
to contact, to get in touch with, to be in touch
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att höra av sig
to criticize, to run down (informal)
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att racka ner
to back up
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att backa upp
to break through, to breach
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att bryta igenom
to close, to shut, to close down, to shut down
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att slå igen

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