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living conditions
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warunki bytowe
overestimated/ underestimated
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przeszacowany / niedoszacowany
be accustomed to sth
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być przyzwyczajonym do czegoś
vaccum clean
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scierac kurz
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take revenge
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zemścić się
rubbish dump
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wysypisko śmieci
her every walk
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jej każdy spacer
the people are allowed to use coal
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pozwala sie ludziom używać węgla
solar panels
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panele słoneczne
five-lane freeway
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pięciopasmowa autostrada
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make both ends meet
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połączyć oba końce
semi-detached house
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bliźniak (rodzaj budynku)
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square, old market square
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plac, stary rynek
financial district
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dzielnica finansowa
residential district
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dzielnica mieszkalna
pedestrian zone
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strefa dla pieszych
in the suburbs
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na przedmieściach
on the outskirts
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na obrzeżach
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kamienica czynszowa
pedestrian zone
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strefa dla pieszych
historic district
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historyczna dzielnica
financial district
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dzielnica finansowa
social flat
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mieszkanie socjalne
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płot, ogrodzenie
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bramka, brama
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She's not playing square with you.
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Ona nie gra z tobą fair.
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during the rush hour
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podczas godzin szczytu
on the outskirts of the city
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na obrzeżach miasta
bad condition
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zły stan
be destroyed
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byc zniszczonym
in some parts of the world
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w niektórych częściach świata
there is a lot of overcrowding
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jest dużo przeludnienia
too much pollution
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za dużo zanieczyszczeń
stop you in the street
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zatrzymać cię na ulicy
ask you for money
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poprosić o pieniądze
there is a lot of poverety
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jest dużo ubóstwa
earn less than
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zarabiać mniej niż

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