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Emesis – wymioty
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Emesis - vomiting
Reflux – refluks
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Reflux - reflux
Cholestatic jaundice/icterus – żółtaczka zastoinowa
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Cholestatic jaundice / icterus - congestive jaundice
Dysphagia – utrudnione połykanie
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Dysphagia - difficult swallowing
Przepuklina – hernia
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Hernia - hernia
Esophageal – przełykowy
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Esophageal - esophageal
Asymptomatic – bezobjawowy
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Asymptomatic - asymptomatic
Niewyczuwalne – not palpable
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Undetectable - not palpable
Peritonitis – zapalenie otrzewnej
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Peritonitis - peritonitis
Zwężenie – stenosis
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Narrowing - stenosis
Nadbrzusze – upperabdomen/epigastrium
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Nadbrzusze - upperabdomen / epigastrium
Erosion – nadżerka
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Erosion - erosion
Hypogastrium/underbelly – podbrzusze
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Hypogastrium / underbelly - underbelly
Central nervous system – ośrodkowy układ nerowy
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Central nervous system - central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system – obwodowy układ nerwowy
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Peripheral nervous system - peripheral nervous system
Brain – mózgowie
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Brain - brains
Cerebrum – mózg
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Cerebrum - the brain
Corpus collosum – ciało modzelowate/spoidło wielkie
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Corpus collosum - corpus callosum / large leg
Móżdżek – cerebellum/little brain
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Móżdżek - cerebellum / little brain
Pień mózgu – brain stem
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Brain stem - brain stem
Śródmózgowie – midbrain
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Midbrains - midbrain
Most – pons
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Most - pons
Rdzeń przedłużony – medulla oblongata
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Extended core - oblongata medulla
Bruzda – sulcus (pl. sulci)
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Furrow - sulcus (pl. Sulci)
Zakręt – gyrus (pl. gyri)
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Curvy - gyrus (gyri square)
Wzgórze – thamulus
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Hill - thamulus
Podwzgórze – hypothamulus
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Hypothalamus - hypothamulus
Przysadka mózgowa – pituitary gland
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Pituitary gland - pituitary gland
Szyszynka – pineal gland/body
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Szyszynka - pineal gland / body
Cerebral cortex – kora mózgowa
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Cerebral cortex - cerebral cortex
Kora sensoryczna – sensory cortex
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Sensory bark - cortex sensors
Ośrodki podtrzymujące funkcje życiowe – life supporting centres
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Centers supporting life functions - life supporting centers
Receptory nacisku – pressure receptors
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Pressure receptors - pressure receptors
PLR Pupillary light reflex – odruch źrenicowy
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PLR Pupillary light reflex - pupil reflex
Kora asocjacyjna – associative cortex
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Associative bark - associative cortex
Visual reflex – odruch wzrokowy
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Visual reflex - visual reflex
Kora motoryczna – motor cortex
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Motor cortex - motor cortex
Komory – ventricles
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Chambers - ventricles
Płyn mózgowordzeniowy – cerebrospinal fluid
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Cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid
Otwór wielki – foramen magnum
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The great hole - foramen magnum
Koordynacja ruchowa – motor coordination
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Motor coordination - motor coordination
Dół czaszkowy tylny – posterior cranial fossa
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Posterior cranial fossa - posterior cranial fossa
Postrzeganie przestrzenne – special perception
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Spatial perception - special perception
Płat czołowy – frontal lobe
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Frontal lobe - frontal lobe
Dół czaszkowy przedni – anterior cranial fossa
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Anterior cranial cavity - anterior cranial fossa
Płat skroniowy – temporal lobe
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Temporal lobe - temporal lobe
Bruzda środkowa – central sulcus
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Central furrow - central sulcus
Wypustki – processes
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Insets - processes
Dendryty – dentrites
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Dendrites - dentrites
Jądro komórkowe – nucleus
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Cell nucleus - nucleus
Ciało komórki – cell body
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Body of the cell - cell body
Mielina – myelin
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Myelin - myelin
Osłonka mielinowa – myelin sheath
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Myelin sheath - myelin sheath
Połączenie nerwowo mięśniowe – neuromuscular connection
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Neuromuscular connection - neuromuscular connection
Bodźce - stimuli
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Incentives - stimuli
Krwiak – hematoma
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Hematoma - hematoma
Krwiak nadtwardówkowy – epidural hematoma
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Epidural hematoma - epidural hematoma
Krwiak podtwardówkowy – subdural hematoma
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Subdural hematoma - subdural hematoma
Krwak podpajęczynówkowy – intracerebral hematoma
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Spinal subarachnoid - intracerebral hematoma
Psychomotor retardation – spowolenienie psychoruchowe
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Psychomotor retardation - psychomotor slowness
Lump – guzek
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Lump - lump
Neurony czuciowe – sensory/afferent neurons
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Sensory neurons - sensory / afferent neurons
Motor/efferent neurons – neurony ruchowe
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Motor / efferent neurons - motor neurons
Układ współczulny – symphatetic nervous system
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Sympathetic nervous system - symphatetic nervous system
Układ przywspółczulny – parasymphatetic NS
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Parasympathetic system - parasymphatetic NS
Opony – meninges
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Tires - meninges
Periosteum – okostna
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Periosteum - periosteum
Dura mater – opona twarda (twardówka)
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Dura mater - hard tire (sclera)
Arachnid mater -opona pajęcza (pajęczynówka)
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Arachnid mater-spider web (arachnid)
Pia matter – opona miękka
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Pia matter - soft tire
Decompression – odbarczanie
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Decompression - depressing
Ischemic stroke – udar niedokrwienny
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Ischemic stroke - ischemic stroke
Hemorrheagic stroke – udar krwotoczny
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Hemorrheagic stroke - hemorrhagic stroke
Facial nerve – nerw twarzowy
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Facial nerve - facial nerve
Cranial nerve – nerw czaszkowy
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Cranial nerve - cranial nerve
Innervate – unerwiać
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Innervate - innervate
Bile tinted – podbarwiony żółcią
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Bile tinted - colored bile
Paresthesia – czucie opaczne
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Paresthesia - feeling unkind
Niedowład – paresis
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Paresis paresis
Stupor – osłupienie
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Stupor - stupefaction
Idiopathic – samoistny
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Idiopathic - independent
Progressive – postępujący
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Progressive - progressive
Degenerative – zwyrodnieniowy
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Degenerative - degenerative
Decreased movement – osłabione ruchy
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Decreased movement - weakened movements
Resting tremor – drżenie spoczynkowe
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Resting tremor - resting tremor
Refractory – nieustępujący/nieodpowiadający na leczenie
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Refractory - unrelenting / not responding to treatment
Disseminated patches – rozsiane ogniska
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Disseminated patches - scattered outbreaks
Spasticity – spastyczność
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Spasticity - spasticity
Zaburzenia kontroli oddawania moczu – urinary disfunctions
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Disorders of urination control - urinary disfunctions
Ścięgna – tendons
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Tendons - tendons
Spinal discs – krążki międzykręgowe
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Spinal discs - intervertebral discs
Korzenie nerwowe – nerve roots
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Nerve roots - nerve roots
Shock absorber – amortyzator
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Shock absorber - shock absorber
To buldge – wybrzuszać się
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It's buldge - bulge
To prolapse – wypaść
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It's a prolapse - fall out
Disc hernitation – przepuklina krążkowa
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Disc hernitation - disc hernia
Lumbar spine – odcinek lędźwiowy kręgosłupa
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Lumbar spine - lumbar spine
Sciatic nerve – nerw kulszowy
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Sciatic nerve - sciatic nerve
Sciatica – rwa kulszowa
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Sciatica - sciatica
Radioculopathy – radiokulopatia
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Radioculopathy - radioculopathy
Nerve compression – ucisk/kompresja nerwów
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Nerve compression - compression / compression of nerves
Mrowienie - tingling
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Tingling - tingling

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