Marek 14th Dec

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Wstałem o 7.
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I got up at 7.
Dasz radę.
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You've got this.
Czy ona mówi po angielsku?
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Does she speak English?
Jestem pewien.
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I'm sure.
Jesteś pewny?
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Are you sure?
Ona nie mówi po angielsku.
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She doesn't speak English.
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a month
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a mouth
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the day before yesterday
w zeszły weekend
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last weekend
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a hint
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to play - played - played
myć zęby
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to brush your teeth
myć zęby
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to clean your teeth
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to read - read - read
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to sleep - slept - slept
iść / jechać
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to go - went - gone
Wczoraj zjadłem 8 bananów.
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Yesterday I ate 8 bananas.
Wczoraj kupiłem łódkę.
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Yesterday I bought a boat.
Wczoraj nie zjadłam 8 bananów.
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Yesterday I didn't eat 8 bananas.

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