Macmillan 2

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an only child
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only children
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spoilt children
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zepsute dzieci
kiss and make up
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pocałunek i makijaż
they had a row
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pokłócili się
He takes after his mother.
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Jest podobny do swojej matki.
from an early age
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od młodości
he got an early night
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położył się wcześnie spać
keep in touch
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być w kontakcie
He doesn't have to
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On nie musi
He isn't allowed to
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Nie wolno mu
spoilt brats
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rozpuszczone bachory
I am turning 18 next week.
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W przyszłym tygodniu kończę 18 lat.
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benefit from being
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korzyść z bycia
undivided attention
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niepodzielna uwaga
spoilt abnormalities
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zepsute anomalie
sibling rivarly
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rywalizacja rodzeństwa
As for being lonely
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Jeśli chodzi o samotność
devote a lot of time
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poświęcać dużo czasu
have a quiet night in
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mieć spokojną noc w
It can't have been her at the party.
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Niemożliwe, żeby to ona była na imprezie.
It must have been her at the party.
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To musiała być ona na imprezie.
I look up to my father.
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Spoglądam na mojego ojca.
assess / evaluate
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ocenić / ocenić
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