Lesson 3 <3

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question réponse
to get through sth
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uporać się z czymś
to fall out
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pokłócić się z kimś
to be turned away
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być odtrąconym
to be taken for someone
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być branym za kogoś
to come round
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przyjść, zaprosić kogoś, żeby przyszedł
come apart
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rozpadać się
let off
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do up
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get over someone
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(stop liking someone) to accept an unpleasant fact or situation after dealing with it for a while
to go with sth
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to match, fit nicely
go through with sth
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doprowadzić coś do końca, to do something unpleasant or difficult that you have planned or promised to do
put someone off doing something
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zniechęcić kogoś do robienia czegoś
put up with sth
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znosić coś
to get out of sth
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wykręcić się od czegoś
play truant
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chodzić na wagary
pass away
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get by
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take offence at sb
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obrażać się na kogoś
do up a button
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zapiąć guzik
charge sb with murder
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oskarżyć kogoś o morderstwo
throw a party
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Urządzić imprezę
pass with flying colours
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zdać celująco

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