Lesson 15.01.20

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Kropla wody
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Water drop
Woda cieknie z kranu.
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Water is leaking from the tap.
Czekać w kolejce
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Wait in the queue / the line.
Kto ostatni w kolejce?
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Who is the last in the line?
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Zirytowany o sth
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Annoyed about sth
Przepraszam nie dostałam sosu.
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I'm sorry I didn't get the sauce.
Nie wrzucaj śmieci do wody.
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Don't throw trash/ rubbish in the water.
Rzucać / łapać
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Throw / catch
Wstrząśnij stopą
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Shake a foot
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anthill / anthome
Chętnie pomogę
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I will help you
Punkt informacyjny
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Information point
Jestem chętny do nauki.
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I am willing to learn.
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