lesson 1 vocabulary

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Télécharger mP3 Imprimer jouer consultez
question réponse
badania interdyscyplinarne
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cross-disciplinary research
aby uzasadniać osądy
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to underlie judgments
potwierdzające dowody
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corroborating evidence
struktury i funkcje społeczne
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societal structures and functions
Poleganie na założeniach
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A reliance on assumptions
Zadać pytanie
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To raise a question
przegląd perspektyw
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an overview of perspectives
kolejne rozdziały
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subequent chapters
badanie, którego dotyczyło
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the study concerned with
Myśl w kategoriach
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To think in terms of
fundamentalne potrzeby
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fundamentalna needs
być w lini z
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be in line with
pisemne ustalenie
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written determination
Aby sformułować wyrok
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To form a judgment
wnikliwe pisanie
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insightful writing
Wzbudzać zachowanie
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To arouse behavior

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