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question English réponse English
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is conscious and intentional; words mean the same for both the speaker and the listener; message sent is the same as the message recieved
communication study
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explores how humans communicate both verbally and nonverbally
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study of language and its structure
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theories of language origin
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there is a natural relation between expressions and the things they signify
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belief that language and its symbols, like words, originate from social agreements within a community
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language is given by God and he named everything
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God showed humans basic stuff about language and humans invented the rest of language
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the view of conventionalists and religionists theories are equally possible
psychology adaptation theory
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shape of vocal organs made speech possible
monogenetic origin of language
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there was a single protolanguage, from whhich all modern languages originated
polygenetic origin of language
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theory that there might have been multiple unrelated proto-languages that developed separately
interactional function of language
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it refers to the way in which language is used in social interactions
transactional function of language
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it refers to the use of language to exchange information and accomplish specific goals in ocmmunication

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