Learning new things / Naujų dalykų mokymasis

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Say it in other words.
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Pasakyk kitais žodžiais
What is the difference between A and B?
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Koks skirtumas tarp A ir B?
What do you mean?
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Ką turi omenyje?
I don't understand.
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Aš nesuprantu.
Sorry, I didn't catch that.
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Atsiprašau, aš to nesupratau.
Can you repeat it?
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Ar gali pakartoti?
Say it again.
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Pasakyk dar kartą.
What is the opposite of A?
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Kas yra priešingybė A?
Give me an example.
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Duok man pavyzdį.
Can you speak more slowly?
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Ar gali kalbėti lėčiau?
Can you write it down?
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Ar gali užrašyti?
Can you spell it, please?
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Ar gali pasakyti paraidžiui?
Say it in a different language.
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Pasakyk tai kita kalba?
Can you help me?
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Ar gali man padėti?
Show it on the map.
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Parodyk žemėlapyje.

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