kości stopy

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kość skokowa 1
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talus, head, navicular articular surface, anterior facet for calcaneus, facet for plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, neck, sulcus of tali, middle facet for calcaneus
kość skokowa 2
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body, trochlea of talus, superior facet, lateral/medial malleolar facet, posterior calcaneal articular facet, posterior process of talus, groove for tendon of flexor hallucis longus, lateral/medial tubercle
kość piętowa 1
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calcaneus, anterior/middle/posterior talar articular surface, calcaneal sulcus, tarsal sinus, articular surface for cuboid, calcaneal tuberosity
kość piętowa 2
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lateral/medial process of calcaneal tuberosity, sustentaculum tali, fibular trochlea, groove for tendon of fibularis longus
kości stępu
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tarsal bones, talus, calcaneus, navicular, tuberosity of navicular bone, medial/intermediate/lateral cuneiform, cuboid, tuberosity of cuboid

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