Kolokacje 201-300

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question réponse
ignorant of the fact
Don't ask me what's happened. I'm rather ignorant of the facts.
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nieświadomy tego faktu
to do a good turn
Jim is very kind-hearted. He never refuses to do a good turn to anyone.
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zrobić dobry uczynek
source of information
Can one believe what this man says? Is he a reliable source of information.
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Źródło informacji
worn out
My old shoes have worn out. I need to buy a new pair badly.
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Każdego wieczoru wraca wykończona do domu po pracowitym dniu spędzonym w biurze.
get cold feet
Frank is pretended to be a daredevil, but he was the first to get cold feet as soon as he went down the cellar.
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przestraszyć się, stchórzyć
do sb good
You look exhausted. A few days off would do you good.
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poprawić czyjeś samopoczucie
distant relatives
I'm not sure about the Gordons. They must be some distant relatives from my father's side.
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dalsi krewni
common sense
It would be advisable for you to listen to what your counsellor says. He's got a lot of common sense.
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zdrowy rozsądek
behind my back
Quite frankly, I knew nothing about the strike. It all hapened behind my back.
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za moimi plecami
keep pace with somebody
Peter can run much faster than me. I can never keep pace with him.
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dotrzymywać komuś kroku
pressed for time
We do need to hurry up. We're pressed for time.
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na czasie
harm to people
It won't do much haem any of you if you wait for test results a bit longer.
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szkodzić ludziom
basis of sth
Could one draw reasonable conlusions on the basis of the man's testimony.
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podstawa czegoś
go off
It's reported that a bomb had gone off on board of the plane before it crashed,
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come to sth
Chris is the best when it comes to entertainings guests.
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dojść do czegoś
be bound to collapse
This structure is rather fragile. It's bound to collapse
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być skazanym na upadek
refrained from
I'd rather you refrained from criticising my friends whenever they are around.
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powstrzymał się od

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