Kasia 29th June (30 min)

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immunologist / allergist
wyniki badań
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test results
nie pomógł mi wtedy
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he didn't help then
recepta na...
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a prescription for sth
brzuch kobiety, która jest w ciąży
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a baby bump
konsultacja (nit ylko lekarska)
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The consultation with the pathologist convinced me to have surgery right away.
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znany, słynny
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well-known / renowned specialist
borykać się ze zrobieniem czegoś
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to struggle to do sth
I've been struggling to understand this article all afternoon.
pogłębić coś
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to deepen sth
Over the years, her love for him deepened.
zwiększyć szanse na zajście w ciążę
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to increase my chances of getting pregnant
układ odpornościowy
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the immune system
gruntowny, dokładny
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a thorough knowledge of the subject
być nieświadomym czegoś
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to be unaware of
Nie wiem ile to zajmie.
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I don't know how long it'll take.
na wszelki wypadek
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in case (you catch a cold)
osłabić coś
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to weaken sth
The team has been weakened by injury.
wzmocnić coś
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to strengthen sth
Her position in the party has strengthened in recent weeks.
Jestem świadoma ryzyka.
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I'm aware of the risk.
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a leaflet
zdecydować się na ryzykowny krok
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to take the plunge
They're finally taking the plunge and getting married.
I want to take the plunge.
mieć na coś oko
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to keep an eye on sth
Keep an eye on our suitcase!

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