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question réponse
robić zdjęcia
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l taking photo
czy możesz usiąść
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can you sit down
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poczekaj chwilę
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wait a moment
a to niespodzianka
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what a surprise
kelnerka prosi o autograf
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The waitress is asking for autograf
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go on
czy możesz usiąść
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can you sit down
dlaczego nie poprosisz o jego autograf
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why don't you ask for his autograph
poczekaj chwilę
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wait a moment
on siedzi tam
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he sitting over thanke
ona przyjmuję jego zamówienie
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she is taking his order
a to niespodzianka
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what a surprise
look at
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spójrz tam
on tam siedzi
commencer à apprendre
he's sitting over there

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