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question réponse
czy posiadasz konto
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do you have an account
posiadasz/ masz
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you have
Konto/ kartę
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Account/ card
czy ty masz
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do you have
a może masz Polski numer telefonu?
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Or maybe you have a Polish phone number?
o może masz
commencer à apprendre
oh maybe you have
numer telefonu
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a phone number
polecam nasz program lojalnościowy
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I recommend our loyalty program
mamy wiele świetnych promocji dla klientów z kartą
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we have a lot of great offers for the customer with the loyality card.
mamy wiele świetnych ofert
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we have lots of great oferts
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we have
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a lot of
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dla klientów
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for customers
z kartą lojalnościową
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with the loyality card
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I recommend
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może chciałbyś założyć konto
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maybe you would like to register an account
może chciałbyś
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maybe you would like to
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to register
ty chciałbyś
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you would like to
potrzebuję tylko kilku danych osobowych
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i well just need some personaln data
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i well
Tylko potrzebuje
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I just need
jakiś / jakieś
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dane osobowe
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personal data
proszę wpisz swój
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plesase enter you
numer telefonu
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a phone number
imię i nazwisko
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first name and last name
adres mailowy
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e-mail address

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