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question réponse
spalać kalorie
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burn off calories
przyplyw energii
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burst of energy
czy moge dostac
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Can I have
jeść w domu
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eat in
jesc na miescie
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eat out
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Enjoy your meal!
mieć ochotę
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feel like
osoba wybredna
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fussy eater
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go for
przejsc na dietę
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go on a diet
zjesc cos na szybko
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grab something to eat
jesc posiłek
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have a meal
czestuj sie
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help yourself
trafiony lub nietrafiony o wyborze
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hit or miss
prawie nie jem
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I hardly eat
niezdrowe jedzenie
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junk food
nakryc do stolu
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lay the table
stracić/przybrać na wadze
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lose / put on weight
specjalista żywieniowy
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nutrition expert
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slodzic herbate
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take sugar in your tea

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