Impulse 2 unit 4 vocabulary cz.2

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1. długopis kulkowy
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1. ballpoint pen
2. korektor w płynie
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2. correction fluid
3. choroba
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3. disease (dizis)
4. uszkodzić
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4. damage(demidż)
5. upał, goraco
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5. heat
6. roztopić sie
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6. melt
7. podłączyc do prądu/odłączyć
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7plug in/unplug
8. nacisnąć przycisk
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8. press the button
9. wyczerpac sie
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9. run out
10. szczepionka
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10. vaccine (weksin)
11. rzep
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11. Velcro(welkrou)
12. agrafka
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12. safety pin
13. ciągnąc/pchać
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13. pull/push
14. obracac się/Ziemia obraca się dookoła Słonca
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14. turn /The Earth turns around the Sun

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