Idioms shorttest

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question English réponse English
to come to fruition
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to complete something successfully
plain sailling
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something is very easy
to sail close to the wind
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to do sth risky, dangerous
ride on a crest of a wave
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be very successful for a limited period of time
to go overboard
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to be very enthusiastic or to react in an extreme way
to coast along
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to do something with a little effort
right of way
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traffic rules about which car can pass first
to breeze through sth
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to complete sth with no difficulty
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to drive slowly
go getter
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someone who works very hard to succeed
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an obstacle
to go great guns
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to do something well, succesfully
to hug the coast
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to sail close to the coast
to be smooth sailing
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when everything went with the plan
to cool of
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to calm down or become cooler after being hot
to beat the heat
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to remain cool in hot weather
to lash out
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to suddenly attack someone
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to calm down
cross breeze
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when the wind blows in your house through open windows
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to relief by expressing your emotions
to restore peace of mind
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to calm down
skinny dipping
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to swim naked
to hit the deck
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quickly fall on the ground to hide
to ruffle sb's feathers
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to annoy someone
to put your foot in it
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say something embarrassing
to slip up
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to male a mistake
drop like flies
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sth dies, falls in large numbers
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embarassing mistake
to go ass over tea kettle
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to fall and flip
goof up
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a stupid mistake
to bend over backwards
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to do everything to achive sth
to put oneself out
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to help somebody or do sth from your own initiative
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to hinge on
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to dependor to be based on sth
to slop around
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to move around
all the time in the world
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a lot, enough time
to be in your element
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to enjoy doing sth because you do it the best
a wet weekend
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something very disappointing
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sth hidden
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a very obvious behavior
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a cheat
it goes without saying
commencer à apprendre
its obvious

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