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To jest wypisane na jego twarzy.
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It's written all over his face.
policzek w twarz
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a slap in the face
Ona wściubiła nos w moje sprawy
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She poked/stuck her nose into my business
zacisnąć zęby
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to grit one's teeth
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big mouth
Zamieniam się w słuch.
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I'm all ears.
to be all ears
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a slip of the tongue
Jestem zawalony pracą.
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I'm UP to my ears with my work
mieć na kogoś oko
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keep an eye on someone
to smile broadly
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to grin FROM EAR TO EAR.
Po "bet" nie ma "that".
I bet your grandpa would be grinning from ear to ear knowing that.
to be extremely lazy
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When you can reach all stuffs easily.
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to have stuffs at sb's FINGERTIPS.
I have all these stuffs at my fingertips.
kosztować fortunę
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to cost an arm and a leg
to cause someone to be alert and prepared to deal with problems. Trzymać w gotowości.
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to keep us in our toes
Life is full of twist and turns that keep us on our toes.
nabierać kogoś
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to pull sb's leg
Stop pulling my leg!
być niezdarnym, mieć dwie lewe ręce. To be clumsy
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to be all thumbs
I'm all thumbs.
to be extremely clumsy, awkward
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to be all fingers and thumbs
I'm all fingers and thumbs.
to help sb's get out of problems
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to keep sb's head above water

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