idioms and stuff

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question English réponse English
have and opportunity to live with greater enjoyment and satisfaction
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have a new lease of life
achieve very good sales
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sell like hot cakes
get very angry or crazy
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go bananas
become ill
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come down with sth
be recovering after an illness
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be on the mend
be very healthy and physically fit
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be fighting fit
appear extremely well and healthy
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look the picture of health
breathing heavily due to a physically effort
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maczać we wszystkim palce
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have a finger in every pie
be in debt
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be in the red
support for one's family
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bring home the bacon
easy and well-paid job
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a gravy train
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a nest egg
dostać odprawę pieniężna
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be given a golden handshake
mieć dużo pieniędzy i źle je wydawać
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have money to burn
be extremely wealthy
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be rolling in it/cash
sth not worth the price
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a rip-off
cost very little money
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be dirt cheap
have very little money
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be hard up
have plenty of money
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be well off
live in very comfortable conditions
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live in the lap of luxury
pay too much money for sth
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pay through the nose for sth
spend all your money on basic needs
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live hand to mouth
kupować bez zastanowienia się
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snap sth up
wydać na coś dużo pieniędzy
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splash out on sth
iść na zakupy
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to go on a shopping spree
przypomnieć sobie/komuś o czymś
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jog one's memory
suddenly come to one's mind
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come flooding back
have hazy memory
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have a memory like a sieve
opowiadać publicznie o swoim życiu prywatnym
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kiss and tell
podróż do wspomnień
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a trip down memory lane
łamać sobie głowę, żeby sobie coś przypomnieć
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rack one's brains
być wyryte w czyjejś pamięci
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be etched in/on one's memory
niebezpiecznie/ sytuacja gdy samolot wyląduje i z powrotem wzniesie się w powietrze
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touch and go
człowiek uczy się przez całe życie
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you live and learn
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fair and square
czysto, wszystko na swoim miejscu
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neat and tidy
urodzić się i wychować
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be born and raised/bred
to be aching all over
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to have a few aches and pains
krótko, zwięźle
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short and sweet
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wear and tear
obvious, clear
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cut and dried
ryzykowne, kwestia życia lub śmierci
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make or break
dawno zakończone, zapomniane
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dead and buried
(być wystawionym) samemu sobie/do wiatru
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(be left) high and dry
mieć czegoś dosyć
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sick and tired of sth/sb
(na) dobre i na złe
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(through) thick and thin
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by and large
niezbędny aspekt
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part and parcel
głośno i wyraźnie
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loud and clear
gwark i zgiełk
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hustle and bustle
across the large area/a large number of places
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far and wide
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spick and span
przebierać w ofertach/wybrzydzać
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pick and choose
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rough and ready
w pełni/z krwi i kości
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through and through
from time to time
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on and off
drobiazgi, resztki, detale
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odds and ends, bits and pieces
być w dobrym zdrowiu, kondycji
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be hale and hearty
szybko, błyskawicznie
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fast and furious
kręcić nosem, narzekać
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huff and puff
nie móc się zdecydować
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hemm and haw
kręcić się po wielu miejscach/wyjść z powrotem do ludzi (np. po chorobie)
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(go) out and about
zabiegać o czyjeś poparcie
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canvass sb
wywyższać się
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(get/be) high and mighty
chcąc nie chcąc
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choćby niewiadomo co
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come hail or thunderstorm
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ins and outs
mylny trop
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a red herring
zwroty akcji
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twists and turns
a very beginning
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