Honorata 28th June

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question réponse
Jestem na zwolnieniu lekarskim.
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I'm on sick leave.
Straciłem rachubę czasu.
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I lost track of time.
Ona mieszka w pobliżu.
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She lives nearby.
zwykle / zazwyczaj
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I usually get up at 6.
jest wpół do siódmej
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it's half past 6
Jestem przeziębiona.
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I'm unwell / I'm under the weather.
Boli mnie gardło.
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I have a sore throat.
Zaczęłyśmy rozmawiać o 7.
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We started talking at 7.
Skończyłyśmy rozmawiać o 8.
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We finished talking at 8.
i wtedy
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and then
Pracuję tam od trzech lat.
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I have been working there for three years
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a pay rise
I think you should ask FOR a pay rise.
wrócić do pracy
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to return to work
wznowić pracę
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to resume work
I decided to resume work after 7 months of maternity leave.
prosić o coś
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to ask FOR sth
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I developed an abscess on my neck.
He had a painful abscess on his gum.
Jestem w pracy.
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I'm at work.
to nie wchodzi w rachubę
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it's out of the question
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carry on / go on
3 i pół miesiąca
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three and a half months
4 i pół roku
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four and a half years
5 i pół roku
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5 and a half years
jak najszybciej
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Zadzwonię do ciebie za kilka minut.
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I'll call you IN A few minutes.
Jedziewmy do Włoch za kilka tygodni.
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We're going to Italy in a few weeks
oddać coś / zwrócić coś
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to give sth back / to return sth
drukowane litery
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block letters
Write it in block letters.
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basic information/facts/ideas
odpowiadać na pytanie
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zauważyć / zwrócić uwagę
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a schedule
What's our schedule for this morning?

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