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the earliest translations commencer à apprendre
Mesopotamian era, Gilamesh was translated into Asian languages (2nd milenium BC) Indian documents translated into Chineese, ancient Greek texts translated by Roman poets
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flexibility of the translation - sense for sense
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translation must do its job with appropriatness (proper words, ideas etc.) to express the power of the speech
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targeted at the Bible translation, faithful to the text, stick to the word for word
Problems with the Bible translation commencer à apprendre
many sources, many languages, words shouldn't be changes
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translated the Bible into German, he was going to the target text, looked towards the users of language
Other translations of the Bible commencer à apprendre
Jakub Wujek Bible in Polish (1535), The King James Bible in English (1604-11)
Before XX translation had often been relegated to commencer à apprendre
an element of language learning (grammar translation method)
the communicative approach commencer à apprendre
pivileged spoken over written forms, avoided use of the students mother tongue - this led to the abandoing the translation in language learning
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studied literature and compared literary text transitionally and transculturally necessitating the reading of some works in translation. Comparing novels translated into different languages.
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the study of two languages in contrast in attempt to identify general and specific differences between them.
their introduced key terminology for describing translations commencer à apprendre
Jean Paul Viney and Jean Darbelnet
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people started to study translation and its connection, Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere's 'Translation, History and Culture' (1990)
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called for greater visibility and recognition of the translator
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translation and gender research, the Brazilian cannibalist school, postcolonial translation, theory translation, globalization and resistance, sociology and historiography of translation.