Hair Aeralist Erin Blaire

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It's very painful.
na początku (np. gdy coś zaczynamy)
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in the beginning (or: at the beginning)
I enjoyed my job in/at the beginning, but I'm bored with it now.
na początku książki / filmu
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AT the beginning of the book / film
no not say: in the beginning of the book
To jest bardzo skomplikowane.
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It's very complicated.
To jest dużo pracy.
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It's a lot of work.
być w stanie coś zrobić
Czy ja naprawdę jestem w stanie to zrobić?
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to be capable of doing sth
She wouldn't hurt anyone - she's simply not capable of it. (NiV)
Am I really capable of doing this?
To jest TAKIE piękne.
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It's SO beautiful.
To jest taki piękny widok.
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It's SUCH A beautiful view. (NiV)
powietrzny, napowietrzny (poruszający się w powietrzu)
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do not say: hair ARE...
Your hair is beautiful.
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to hang - hung - hung
zwisanie na włosach
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hair hanging
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little by little
rozwijać (np. Umiejętności)
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to develop
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Little by little you develop a sense of comfort.
to jest tajemnica
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it's a secret
w tym samym kierunku
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in the same direction
It's important that all of the hair is being pulled up in the same direction.
Ludzie są w szoku.
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People are in shock.
z całą pewnością
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Ludzie martwią się.
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People are worried.
Ludzie są pełni podziwu.
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People are in awe.
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podziwiać kogoś / coś
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to admire sb/sth
I admire my parents.
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a violin
Czy umiesz grać na skrzypcach?
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Can you play the violin?
do not say: play on the violin
Jestem dumna z moich włosów.
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I'm proud of my hair.
Powinnaś być z siebie dumna.
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You should be proud of yourself.
potencjał, możliwości
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You have the potential to reach the top of your profession. (NiV)

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