goehta kapial 2

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question réponse
the pen
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der Stift (die Stifte)
The printer is broken.-printers
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Der Drucker ist kaputt.-Drucker
Der Drucker ist kaputt
The MP3 player-
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der Mp3 Player-
The calendar-the calendar
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Der kalender-die Kalender
the computer
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der computer
the headphones, the headphones
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der Kopfhörer, die Kopfhörer
the pencil, the pencils
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der Bleistift, die Bleistifte
the ID card, the ID cards
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der Ausweis, die Ausweise
the key, the keys
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der Schlüssel, die Schlüssel
the ballpoint pen - the ballpoint pens
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der Kugelschreiber - die Kugelschreiber
the form-the forms
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das formular-die formulare
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das Glas (die Gläser)
mobile phone
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das Handy (die Handys)
the handkerchief, the handkerchiefs
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das Taschentuch, die Taschentücher
the photo, -s
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das Foto, -s
the book, the books
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das Buch, die Bücher
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das Feuerzeug (die Feuerzeuge)
the stamp, the stamps
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die Briefmarke, die Briefmarken
the glasses, the glasses
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die Brille, die Brillen
the glasses
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die Brille-n
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die Maus, die Mäuse
the tablet / tablets
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das/der tablet- die Tablets
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die Tablette (die Tabletten)
The USB stick- The USB sticks
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Die USB-Stick- Die USB-Sticks
the name the names
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der Name, die Namen
the architect, the architects
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der Architekt, die Architekten
the teacher, the teacher
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der Lehrer, die Lehrer
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What's your name / Who are you?
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Wie heißen Sie?/Wer sind sie?
Where are you from / where are you from?
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Woher kommst Du?/ Woher kommen Sie?
Where do you live / Where do you live?
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Wo Wohnst Du/Wo wohnen Sie?
Ich wohne in
How old are you?
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Wle alt sind Sie?
What do you do for a living? / What is your profession?
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Was machen Sie beruflich? / Was machst du beruflich?
Are you married? / Are you married?
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Sind sie verheiratet?/ Bist du verheiratet?
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Which languages do you speak? / Which languages do you speak?
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Welche sprachen sprichst du?/ Welche sprachen sprechen Sie?
I speak a little English.
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Ich spreche wenig Englisch.
I study dentistry
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Ich studiere Zahnmedizin
I beg your pardon?
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Wie bitte?
Sorry, I didn't catch that.
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Entschuldigung, das habe ich nicht verstanden.
Sorry, I didn't understand it, it was so loud. Can you repeat that?
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Entschuldigung, das habe ich nicht verstanden, es war so laut Können Sie das weiderholen?
Can you repeat that?
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Können Sie das wiederholen?
Excuse me
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It was so loud
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Es war so laut
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To repeat (regular)
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Could you please spell that?
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Können Sie das bitte buchstabieren?
Spell (regualr)
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A little slower, please.
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Bitte ein bisschen langsamer.
my name is
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mein name ist
this please
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das bitte
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Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is a historical city also known for its internationality, cafés and restaurants, street art, and vibrant nightlife. Berlin’s attractions include Brandenburg Gate, East Side Gallery, and various Christmas markets.
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Who are you? / Who are you?
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Wer sind Sie?/ Wer bist Du?
naturally/Of course
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are you coming to the party
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kommst du zur Party?
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die Party (die Partys)

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